CLICK HERE: Portrait of a Graduate Event & Info Packet
April 19, 2023
Dear ECS Staff and Community Members,
Did you know you’re an important element in the designing of Eureka City Schools Portrait of a Graduate and even meant to be part of the ECS Portrait Design Team? Well, you are and we're committed to making sure that you have the opportunity to be involved.
Eureka City Schools recognizes the power of a guiding vision that integrates all of our initiatives across all of our schools. We know that students need more than solid academics to succeed in college, career and citizenship, and a Portrait of a Graduate will be the first time we define these crucial non-academic (soft) skills as well as academic skills. We also know that Eureka City Schools has a diverse student body, and Portrait of Graduate will help facilitate success in all students regardless of their postsecondary plans.
The term 'Portrait of a Graduate' is a metaphor. The portrait is metaphorically taken of a future graduate that has the abilities, 21st century skills, character traits, and social-emotional competencies needed in order to be prepared for navigating a complex local and global environment and to be successful in our economy, in our community, and in life. So how do we get to this ideal ‘Portrait of a Graduate’?
That’s where you come in! The knowledge and abilities you possess in your specific field, industry, or from life experiences, is unique and valued, and why your input and more importantly your involvement is critical to this process. What do you think are the most important skills and experiences our students need – and our district must promise to deliver – for them to thrive in learning and life?
Following extensive community input, the ECS Portrait of a Graduate will be designed based on the received contributions and data. The Portrait will be widely circulated, thoroughly vetted, adopted and the planning for implementation will begin. The Portrait of a Graduate will serve as the framework of a 10-15 year community collaboration and vision, and will be embedded into ECS curriculum throughout our school sites.
Our youth will eventually be our workforce, our leaders, our decision-makers, and will fill all of our shoes. Pledge your support to the young people in our community and be part of their future success. Be part of Portrait of a Graduate!
So how do you get involved? Click on the Portrait of a Graduate packet for important event and survey information. Take the survey and join us at the POG community event on Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at Lincoln School in Eureka from 6:00pm - 8:00pm. Please RSVP by calling 707-441-3363.
Regards, Eureka City Schools
CLICK HERE: Portrait of a Graduate Event & Info Packet
CLICK HERE: To Take the Thought Exchange Survey