In 2023 Eureka City Schools (ECS) received a California Community Schools Partnership Program Grant (CCSPP Grant) to support the establishment of new community schools.
So what does that mean? A community school is a "Whole-Child" school improvement strategy where the local educational agency and its schools work closely with teachers, students, and families. Community Schools partner with community agencies and local government to align community resources that aim to improve student learning and success.
After receiving the grant, student and parent surveys were conducted at three
community school sites; Alice Birney, Grant, and Lafayette. These surveys provided baseline information about the type of school support services that students and families need and desire.
For the 2023-2024 school year, every ECS school site has a Community Schools Liaison and access to a Restorative Practices Support Specialist.
To find out more about Community Schools and the CCSPP Implementation Plan:
Click here for the CCSPP Implementation Plan *One-Pager
Click here for the CCSPP Implementation Plan *Detailed Presentation
You can obtain more information from Ronda Evans, Director of Community Schools, at 707-441-2400 ext.1938 or via email at [email protected].
--- Community Schools District Advisory Council ---
We invite you to: *Make connections *Build partnerships *Learn more about Community Schools
Join us at the next Community Schools District Advisory Council Meeting - May 17, 2024 from 8:30am-11:30am at the Lincoln/Zoe Barnum Campus on 216 West Harris in Eureka.
For RSVPs or general information, call 707-267-9120 or email [email protected]
Breakfast is provided by Ramones!