2013-14 Economic Impact Aid Funding

Pursuant to Senate Bill 754 (Chapter 573, Statutes of 2012)

2011-12 2012-13
Amount of EIA funds allocated in the fiscal year $677,439.00 $624,649.00
Amount of EIA funds used for administrative costs for the fiscal year $20,020.93 $19,144.61
Amount of EIA funds spent on Limited English Proficient (LEP) students (SACS Resource 7091) $247,590.64 $253,609.00
District Total $267,611.57 $272,753.61
Amount of EIA funds spent on Compensatory Education (SACS Resource 7090) $393,519.73 $278,589.45
District Total $661,131.30 $551,343.06
Unexpended balance of EIA funds $16,307.70 $73,305.94

Explanation of why all of the funds have not been expended: The funds were not fully spent due to staff resignations and the inability to refill the position.