Eureka City Schools Honors Students Who Received Perfect Scores on the CAASPP State Testing

December 16, 2022 – On Thursday, December 15, 2022, the Governing Board celebrated the achievements of four Eureka City Schools’ students who received perfect scores on one or more of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) tests, otherwise known as the Smarter Balanced (SBAC) Assessments, in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics for the 2022 testing year.
According to Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, Gary Storts, “A perfect score on the CAASPP is an amazing accomplishment. We are inspired by these students, and grateful to the parents, teachers, and support staff, who were a foundation for their exceptional performance.” Out of the more than 1,400 students who took the tests in grades 3-8 and 11, one elementary student and three middle school students received a perfect score on one or more of the CAASPP exams.
The students and their respective 2022-2023 schools are Jesse Smith (Grant Elementary School, 5th grade, Math), Evasofia Jenkins (Zane Middle School, 8th grade, English Language Arts), Kate Vasquez (Zane Middle School, 8th grade, English Language Arts), and Sophia Grimmett (Eureka High School, 9th grade, Math).
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