
Get the latest Eureka City Schools district news and press about school activities, events, and achievements, governing board, technology, bond measures, and more.


Message from the Superintendent - 1-24-25

January 24, 2025

Dear Eureka City Schools Learning Community,

Over the past several months—particularly in recent weeks—we recognize our community's heightened concerns and fears about the safety and well-being of our learners and their loved ones. I want to take this opportunity to pledge our unwavering commitment to creating safe and welcoming learning communities.

At Eureka City Schools (ECS), we aim to ensure that every learner, every day, is engaged, empowered, and future-ready. It is our responsibility to ensure every learner who walks through the doors of our learning community is valued and respected and provided the personalized opportunities they need to be prepared to thrive in their preferred future.

We are fully committed to protecting the sanctity of our schools as spaces where ECS learners can study and grow without fear. To accomplish this, ECS will prioritize safety and work diligently to maintain environments where trust, belonging, and opportunity are foundational to the learning experience for all learners.

We know fears naturally surface in times of uncertainty. Please know all school sites within ECS will partner with our learners and their families to navigate current challenges and support overcoming future obstacles. Open communication is key, and we welcome you to contact your school site, district leadership, or me directly with any questions or concerns.

Our schools are stronger because of the diverse voices, backgrounds, and perspectives that enrich our ECS community. Together, we will ensure ECS remains a place where every learner is supported, every background is valued, and every future is bright and full of promise.

Thank you for your trust and collaboration as we move forward together with a shared commitment to every learner, every day. We will work tirelessly to continue to uphold our values of compassion and inclusivity, ensuring that every learner feels safe and empowered to succeed at ECS.

Gary Storts, Superintendent
Eureka City Schools

Read More About Message from the Superintendent - 1-24-25
Notice of Vacancy and Open Position on the Board of Trustees for Eureka City Schools Trustee Area 2
Press Release - Eureka City Schools



September 17, 2024 - NOTICE is hereby given that all qualified persons who would like to apply for the open position on the Board of Trustees for Eureka City Schools, Trustee Area 2, may contact Eureka City Schools, c/o Gary Storts, Superintendent ([email protected]), for a candidate information sheet. All candidate information sheets (original copies) must be submitted on or before Wednesday, October 16, 2024, no later than 4:00 p.m., to the Superintendent’s Office of Eureka City Schools (2100 J Street, Eureka, CA 95501 – Room 108).

Qualifications for Office: The applicant shall be a registered voter residing in Trustee Area 2 for Eureka City Schools. The boundaries for Trustee Area 2 can be reviewed by visiting the Eureka City Schools Governance Board and clicking on School Board Trustee Areas or through the Humboldt County Office of Education – District Locator.

NOTICE is further given that appointment to the office will be made in the event there are no nominees, or no qualified nominees. (Appointments will be made pursuant to 10515 of the Elections Code or 5326, 5328, and 5328.5 of the Education Code.)

Press Contact:

Gary Storts
Eureka City Schools
[email protected]






Gary Storts, Superintendente
Escuelas de la Ciudad de Eureka
[email protected]

17 de Septiembre de 2024 - SE NOTIFICA que todas las personas calificadas que deseen postularse para el puesto vacante en la Junta de Fideicomisarios de las Escuelas de la Ciudad de Eureka, Área de Fideicomisarios 2, pueden comunicarse con las Escuelas de la Ciudad de Eureka, c/o Gary Storts, Superintendente ([email protected]), para obtener una hoja de información de candidato. Todas las hojas de información de candidato (copias originales) deben presentarse el Miércoles 16 de Octubre de 2024 o antes, a más tardar a las 4:00 p.m., en la Oficina del Superintendente de las Escuelas de la Ciudad de Eureka (2100 Calle J, Eureka, CA 95501 - Cuarto 108).

Requisitos para el cargo: El solicitante deberá ser un votante registrado que resida en el Área 2 de Fideicomisarios de las Escuelas de la Ciudad de Eureka. Los límites del Área 2 de los Fideicomisarios se pueden revisar visitando y haciendo clic en School Board Trustee Areas (Áreas de los Fideicomisarios de la Junta) o a través del Localizador de Distritos del Humboldt County Office of Education.

Se NOTIFICA además que el nombramiento para el cargo se hará en caso de que no haya candidatos, o no haya candidatos calificados. (Los nombramientos se harán de conformidad con 10515 del Código Electoral o 5326, 5328 y 5328.5 del Código de Educación).

Contacto de Prensa:

Gary Storts
Escuelas de la Ciudad de Eureka
[email protected]

Read More About Notice of Vacancy and Open Position on the Board of Trustees for Eureka City Schools Trustee Area 2
Eureka City Schools to Host Multicultural Fair

Get ready for an amazing Multicultural Fair hosted at Zane Middle School and sponsored by the Eureka City Schools English Language Development program, which supports students for whom more than one language is spoken at home.

We invite you to join us in celebrating the rich diversity in Eureka City Schools, where our families speak more than 30 different languages. Experience a delightful showcase of cultural food, captivating demonstrations, and vibrant dance performances that represent our diverse school community.

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ECS Food Services Awarded CDFA Farm to School Incubator Grant

September 12, 2024 - Eureka, CA  - We're excited to share that Eureka City Schools has been awarded a 23-24 Farm to School Incubator Grant by the California Department of Food and Agriculture. This round of funding will help school districts in the 24-25 school year and further our Food Services Department's mission to strengthen partnerships with local farms and deliver nutritious, locally sourced meals to our students.

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ECS to Celebrate California Native American Day in School and with Community Event

Eureka City Schools (ECS) and the Parent Advisory Committee for Indian Education are excited to share details about a special upcoming event at our schools to celebrate California Native American Day on Friday, September 27, 2024.


These celebrations will occur at every school site in the District during the week of September 24th-27th. Each event will offer students a rich cultural experience through interactive performances and meaningful discussions.

If you would like to experience this event yourself, we cordially invite you to join us for the complimentary (free) community event happening at the Jay Willard Gymnasium on the evening of Friday, September 27th, beginning at 5:45 PM. The public event will feature a free Native American art raffle, Indian Tacos, Indigenous vendors, live music, performances, and so much more!

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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Public Comment on Sufficient Instructional Materials


Public Comment on Sufficient Instructional Materials

When: Thursday, September 12, 2024

What: Public Comment on Sufficient Instructional Materials

Where: Eureka City Schools Regular Board Meeting

Francis H. Taplin Board Room

2100 J Street

Eureka, CA 95501

At its regularly scheduled meeting on Thursday, September 12, 2024, at 6:30 p.m. the Eureka City Schools Governing Board will hold a public hearing to receive public comment on the determination of whether each pupil in the district has sufficient textbooks or instructional materials, or both, in each subject consistent with the content and cycles of the curriculum framework adopted by the State Board of Education.

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Welcome Back! 2024-2025 School Year Message from ECS Superintendent Gary Storts

Dear Eureka City Schools Families,

Welcome back! I hope your summer was filled with joy and many memorable moments with your loved ones. As we step into the 2024-25 school year, I am filled with hope, enthusiasm, and excitement for what lies ahead. This year promises to be a significant one for Eureka City Schools, with "belonging" at the heart of our efforts.

Creating a Culture of Belonging

Belonging is more than just a word– belonging is the cornerstone of a vibrant, inclusive, and supportive educational community. As a community, when we feel a true sense of belonging, we are empowered to engage fully and become the best versions of ourselves. This year, and each year moving forward, belonging will become a central theme of our ECS identity.

Read More About Welcome Back! 2024-2025 School Year Message from ECS Superintendent Gary Storts
‘You Belong at Eureka City Schools’ Back-to-School Professional Development Day

Get ready for an incredible 2024-2025 school year at Eureka City Schools!

You Belong at Eureka City Schools Gary Storts and Speaker Panel


On Wednesday, August 14, 2024, we had an amazing staff back-to-school professional development day that kicked off with an inspiring morning session led by Superintendent Gary Storts. The theme for the day was "You Belong at Eureka City Schools," and we are super excited to incorporate this theme throughout the school year.

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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Adoption of the 2024-2027 Collective Bargaining Agreement


Public Comment on the Adoption of the 2024-2027 Collective Bargaining Agreement Between Eureka City Schools Governing Board and California School Employees Association/CSEA Redwood Chapter #88 Blue & White Collar Units

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The Power of a School Mural: Engagement, Beautification, Belonging, and Community

VIDEO STORY - The Power of a School Mural: Engagement, Beautification, Belonging, and Community. A look at Alice Birney Elementary’s powerful arts integration project that unified students, connected community, and beautified the school.

In an incredible end to the 2024 school year, the students of Alice Birney Elementary embarked on a one-of-a-kind art project to adorn their school garden.


Principal Kristin Sobilo explored integrating the arts into the school curriculum as a tool for engagement and solidifying standards. She collaborated with Leslie Castellano from the local non-profit organization, the Ink People, and together, they worked on and received a California Arts Council grant to support artists in schools. With the grant, they introduced Modules - specific projects that would encompass various visual and performing art standards. One of the modules was centered around an awe-inspiring art mural.

Read More About The Power of a School Mural: Engagement, Beautification, Belonging, and Community
NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Adoption of the 2024-2025 School Year Budget


Adoption of the 2024-2025 School Year Budget

When: Tuesday, June 25, 2024 – 12:00 p.m.

What: Adoption of the 2024-2025 School Year Budget

Where: Eureka City Schools Regular Board Meeting

Francis H. Taplin Board Room

2100 J Street

Eureka, CA 95501

The Eureka City Schools Governing Board will hold a public hearing to receive public comment concerning the adoption of the 2024-2025 school year budget. 

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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Education Protection Act (EPA) Expenditures


Education Protection Act (EPA) Expenditures

When: Tuesday, June 25, 2024 – 12:00 p.m.

What: Education Protection Act (EPA) Expenditures

Where: Eureka City Schools Regular Board Meeting

Francis H. Taplin Board Room

2100 J Street

Eureka, CA 95501

At a regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 12:00 p.m., the Eureka City Schools Governing Board will hold a public hearing to receive public comment to seek input and take testimony from the public in regard to the Education Protection Act (EPA) expenditures.  

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NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 2024-2025 Local Control Accountability Plan


2024-2025 Local Control Accountability Plan

When: Tuesday, June 25, 2024 – 12:00 p.m.

What: 2024-2025 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)

Where: Eureka City Schools Regular Board Meeting

Francis H. Taplin Board Room

2100 J Street

Eureka, CA 95501

The Eureka City Schools Governing Board will hold a public hearing to receive public comment concerning the adoption of the 2024-2025 Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). 

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Eureka City Schools Summer Community Meals Program Returns June 2024

June 7, 2024 - Eureka, CA - Eureka City Schools (ECS) is pleased to announce that our Summer Community Meals program will return in 2024 with expanded access to service. 

Starting June 24, 2024, and continuing through August 2, 2024, children 18 years of age and younger can access free nutritious meals from four designated sites Monday through Friday. There is no service for any location on July 4th and 5th. 

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Eureka City Schools Albee Stadium & Cloney Field Renovation Project Commences

May 24, 2024  - Eureka, CA  -  Eureka City Schools (ECS) is pleased to announce that construction has commenced on the Albee Stadium and Bud Cloney Field renovation project.

The ECS Board of Education discussed and approved the base low bid for the project at $24.5 million from Adams Commercial General Contracting, Inc. (ACGC) during the May 2, 2024 Board meeting. The funding for the project, a testament to our community’s support, is made possible through Measure S and Measure T, along with additional funding from the state of California at $14.7 million. The construction, which officially began on May 20, 2024, is estimated to continue through late summer 2026. 

Read More About Eureka City Schools Albee Stadium & Cloney Field Renovation Project Commences
Eureka City Schools Board of Education Meeting Recap for May 22, 2024

May 24, 2024 - Eureka, CA - The following is an overview of the Eureka City Schools Board of Education regular public meeting from Wednesday, May 22, 2024. 

Student report for Spring activities from Eureka FFA School Board Representatives:

  • Eureka FFA Representatives Ava Jones (outgoing representative) and Jake Van Reusen (incoming representative) reportEureka FFA Student Boarded that more than 50 students participated in FFA career and leadership development events and visited several universities and community colleges throughout the state for competitions. They offered Ag Sales teams, where students received a product they had to present in a mock sale. The parliamentary procedure novice and advanced teams made it to the state finals, while the advanced debate team was in the top 6 in the state. The FFA school fair was successful, with 1,035 elementary students attending to learn about livestock, mechanics, logging, fishing, floral, and heavy equipment. The EHS agriculture department is proud to have expanded dual enrollment options for students.
Read More About Eureka City Schools Board of Education Meeting Recap for May 22, 2024
Eureka City Schools recognizes May 19–25, 2024, as Classified School Employee Week!

May 19, 2024 - Eureka, CA - Classified employees have earned respect as educators and partners in the education community. They are essential frontline workers who keep our schools up and running while making a difference in the lives of the students they serve. 

    Read More About Eureka City Schools recognizes May 19–25, 2024, as Classified School Employee Week!
    49 Eureka High School Students Earn the California State Seal of Biliteracy - Honored by HCOE

    May 17, 2024 - Eureka, CA - Eureka City Schools (ECS) is proud to announce that 49 Eureka High School (EHS) students recently earned the California Department of Education’s State Seal of Biliteracy. This prestigious accolade, marked by a gold seal on the student’s diploma or transcript, acknowledges high school graduates who have reached a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing two or more languages.

    EHS Students Honored for Earning Seal of Biliteracy

    These outstanding students were honored among 150 students from 10 local high schools at the Humboldt County Office of Education’s (HCOE) 12th Annual Seal of Biliteracy Awards Ceremony. The event was held on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at the Sequoia Conference Center in Eureka and each student received an official certificate and medal for their achievement in biliteracy. One exceptional EHS student, Duachung Lee, even achieved triliteracy by being proficient in three languages, Spanish, Hmong, and English. The students celebrated with their families and dedicated EHS counselors and educators from the EHS World Languages Department.

    Read More About 49 Eureka High School Students Earn the California State Seal of Biliteracy - Honored by HCOE
    Pam Brittenburg Named Eureka City Schools 2023-2024 Certificated Employee of the Year

    May 15, 2024 - Eureka, CA - Eureka City Schools (ECS) is pleased to announce that Pam Brittenburg, teacher of English Language Development (ELD) at Alice Birney, has been named the District’s Certificated Employee of the Year for the 2023-2024 school year.

    Brittenburg stood out among seven exceptional teachers nominated districtwide for this prestigious award. One nominee is chosen from each school site for the award and is also recognized as that school’s Teacher of the Year. The nominees included Jason Hineline of Grant Elementary, Harmony Pelren from Lafayette Elementary, Andrew Dehart of Washington Elementary, Beverly Racanac of Winship Middle School, Kayla Rogers of Zane Middle School, and Brenda Smith from Eureka High. These amazing educators were celebrated at the ECS Board of Education Employee Recognition Ceremony on May 2, 2024.Principal Sobilo and Pam Brittenburg

    Alice Birney Principal Kristin Sobilo nominated Brittenburg for her exceptional teaching abilities, leadership skills, outstanding community engagement, and hard work in building both a site and district-level EL (English Learner) program that accelerates learning for emergent bilinguals. 

    Read More About Pam Brittenburg Named Eureka City Schools 2023-2024 Certificated Employee of the Year
    ECS Educator Maggie Tedder Receives Prestigious HCOE Excellence in Teaching Award

    May 7, 2024 - Eureka, CA - Eureka City Schools (ECS) is pleased to announce that Margaret (Maggie) Tedder of Grant Elementary has received the Humboldt County Office of Education's (HCOE) Excellence in Teaching Award for the 2023-2024 school year. 

    Photo of Maggie Tedder with Excellence in Teaching AwardTedder was honored by HCOE at its annual Excellence in Teaching ceremony, on May 1, 2024, at the Sequoia Conference Center in Eureka. HCOE recognized 7 teachers, with a combined 112 years of teaching experience, for their exceptional work in the classroom. These educators were joined by more than 200 colleagues, friends, and family members to celebrate their achievements.

    Maggie Tedder has been a longtime, dedicated teacher with Eureka City Schools and an educator for 31 years. She has taught a variety of grade levels, K-5, at the Jefferson, Lafayette, Lincoln, Washington, and Grant school campuses, worked as a reading intervention specialist, and is currently an English Language Development (ELD) teacher at Grant Elementary. 

    Read More About ECS Educator Maggie Tedder Receives Prestigious HCOE Excellence in Teaching Award
    Eureka City Schools Board of Education Meeting Recap for May 2, 2024

    May 3, 2024 - Eureka, CA - The following is an overview of the Eureka City Schools Board of Education regular public meeting from Thursday, May 2, 2024. 

    Employee Recognition Ceremony:

    • Newly Hired, Newly Permanent Certificated, and Newly Permanent Classified Employee Recognition
    • Certificated Employee of the Year: Pam Brittenburg – Alice Birney Elementary
    • School Site Nominees: Jason Hineline – Grant Elementary, Harmony Pelren – Lafayette Elementary, Andrew Dehart – Washington Elementary, Beverly Racanac – Winship Middle School, Kayla Rogers – Zane Middle School, Brenda Smith – Eureka High 
    • Administrator of the Year: Charley Batini - Director of Maintenance, Facilities and Operations
    • Retiree Recognition for Classified and Certificated Employees: Jamie Bush, Vicki Forsman, Valorie Heidger, Carrie Matson, William Morris, Belinda Thrash
    Read More About Eureka City Schools Board of Education Meeting Recap for May 2, 2024
    ECS Students Represent Humboldt at the 2024 National History Day - CA State Contest: Four Emerge as Finalists, with One Earning an Honorable Mention and Special Award

    April 26, 2024 - Eureka, CA - A group of exceptional, dedicated history-loving students from Eureka City Schools (ECS) recently competed in the National History Day - California (NHD-CA) State Contest, held on April 19-21, 2024, at Sacramento State University. The 2024 contest theme was Turning Points in History.

    At the state competition, four students emerged as finalists in three categories, with one earning an honorable mention and a special award. They are as follows:

    Junior Individual Documentary: Diego Stengl: Dam It: A Turning Point of Destruction (ECS Independent Study) *Finalist & *Honorable Mention in Individual Documentary

    *Special Award - The American Indian History Award from the California Foundation for History Education

    Junior Group Exhibit: Eva Meyer & Madeline Dotson-Murphy: Clara Barton: Angel of the Battlefield (Zane Middle School) *Finalist

    Junior Individual Exhibit: Cambria Jones: The Birth Control Pill: How 9.85 Milligrams Helped Women Reclaim Their Lives (Zane Middle School) *Finalist

    Read More About ECS Students Represent Humboldt at the 2024 National History Day - CA State Contest: Four Emerge as Finalists, with One Earning an Honorable Mention and Special Award
    ECS Food Services Announces 24/25 School Year Proposal Requests for Competitive Negotiations for Food and Supplies

    April 10, 2024 - Eureka, CA - Public Notice Announcement: Eureka City Schools Food Services is announcing the request for proposals (RFP) for Competitive Negotiations for Food and Supplies for the 2024/2025 School Year. The deadline for receiving proposals is 1:00 p.m. Friday, May 17, 2024.

    Read More About ECS Food Services Announces 24/25 School Year Proposal Requests for Competitive Negotiations for Food and Supplies
    Eureka City Schools Board of Education Meeting Recap for April 4, 2024

    April 8, 2024 - Eureka, CA - The following is an overview of the Eureka City Schools Board of Education regular public meeting from Thursday, April 4, 2024. 

    • Fourth and fifth-grade students from the Washington Elementary Leadership Program recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Each student then presented reasons why they love attending Washington, such as the passionate teachers who make learning fun, nutritious food from the cafeteria, and a library full of fascinating books.

    Read More About Eureka City Schools Board of Education Meeting Recap for April 4, 2024
    Eureka High Athletics Announces Football Coaching Staff Changes and Additions

    March 25, 2024

    RE: EHS Football Coaching Changes 

    Dear Logger Community,

    I am thrilled to announce the appointment of our new football coaches for the upcoming season. Please join me in welcoming Sam Edmonds as the head coach of our high school varsity football team, along with our body of assistant coaches who will be supporting our athletes in their journey. Eureka High School Logger Athletics Logo

    Coach Edmonds brings a good deal of experience and a passion for the game that will undoubtedly inspire our players both on and off the field. With his leadership, I am confident that our team will continue to grow and excel.

    Joining Coach Sam Edmonds to make up our staff for both the Varsity and JV teams will be Jeff Faulk, Bobby De La Santos, Brett Battle, Luis Lopez, Nick Bartlett, Robb Walters, Michael Millot, Sammy Vainuku, Nate Payton, Chad Gordon, Clint Hooper, Vincent Arguelles, and Andy Rose.

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    ECS Students Named Humboldt County Spelling Bee Champions, Advancing to State

    March 22, 2024 - Eureka, CA - Eureka City Schools (ECS) is incredibly proud to announce that on March 20, 2024, two exceptionally talented ECS students won the prestigious title of Humboldt County Spelling Bee Champion!


    ECS 2024 County Spelling Bee ChampsIn the elementary division, sixth-grader Alaina Dotson-Murphy from Zane Middle School was named co-winner, while eighth-grader Natalie Wyllie from Winship Middle School was named co-winner of the Junior High division. Both of them demonstrated outstanding spelling skills and a love for language and vocabulary.
    Read More About ECS Students Named Humboldt County Spelling Bee Champions, Advancing to State
    Alice Birney Elementary Students ‘Spring into Reading’ with Eureka High Guest Readers

    March 20, 2024 - Eureka, CA - A group of Student Government Leadership students from Eureka High School visited Alice Birney Elementary on Wednesday as part of the school's Spring into Reading celebration for National Reading Month. 

    Izzy West, Lolua Neemia, Shaya Sells, and Jenica Huddleston, accompanied by government teacher Kaitlan DeHart, read to the eager elementary students. The high schoolers shared their love for reading and books and served as excellent role models for the younger students.

    Hear from the guest readers in this video recap!

    Read More About Alice Birney Elementary Students ‘Spring into Reading’ with Eureka High Guest Readers
    Eureka City Schools Board of Education Meeting Recap for March 14, 2024

    March 15, 2024 - Eureka, CA - The following is an overview of the Eureka City Schools Board of Education regular public meeting from Thursday, March 14, 2024. 

    • Students from Winzler Children's Center led the Pledge of Allegiance and presented the Board with a “Growing Each Day - Winzler Class of 2037” poster. 

    All items on the Consent Calendar were approved, except Item J(21) Approval of Partnership Between Humboldt County Office of Education and Eureka City Schools for the Golden State Pathways Grant, which was pulled from the agenda.

    Read More About Eureka City Schools Board of Education Meeting Recap for March 14, 2024
    Eureka FFA Students Earn State Degrees and Other Prestigious Honors
     March 13, 2024 - Eureka, CA - Eureka City Schools (ECS) is proud to announce that 21 Eureka High School (EHS) students have earned their State FFA Degree, with six selected for other top honors. These accomplishments show the dedication and passion of Eureka FFA students while serving as proof of the superior work within the EHS Agriculture Department and the opportunities that FFA provides. 

    The State FFA Degree is the most prestigious award that can be received by a Junior or Senior FFA member. This award is given to FFA members who have demonstrated the highest level of commitment to the California State FFA Association and have made noteworthy achievements in their Supervised Agricultural Experiences (SAEs).

    This year, Eureka’s 21 students are the highest number in the entire North Coast Region of FFA, which is Half Moon Bay to Del Norte counties. Students received their awards at the North Coast FFA Spring Regional Meeting, which was held at the Ferndale Fairgrounds on March 6, 2024. 

    Read More About Eureka FFA Students Earn State Degrees and Other Prestigious Honors
    Eureka City Schools at Humboldt History Day 2024

    Eureka City Schools students excel at the Humboldt History Day competition

    Zane students win in ten categories & Alice Birney students compete for the first time

    March 12, 2024 - Eureka, CA - Eureka City Schools (ECS) is excited to announce that its students performed exceptionally well in the Humboldt County History Day competition held on March 2, 2024. Zane Middle School students won a total of fifteen awards across ten different categories, while Alice Birney Elementary participated in the event for the first time.

    Each spring, students in 4th grade through high school compete in Humboldt County History Day, held at Cal Poly Humboldt and hosted by the Humboldt County Office of Education (HCOE). 

    The 2024 contest theme was Turning Points in History. 

    A turning point is an idea, event, or action that directly, or sometimes indirectly, causes change. The National History Day® (NHD) 2024 contest theme invites students to consider questions of time and place, cause and effect, change over time, and impact and significance.

    County winners will have the opportunity to compete in the National History Day California State Finals, which will take place in Sacramento from April 19-21, 2024. Over 1,600 students compete at the state contest each year. California champions will advance to the national competition that occurs in Maryland in June.

    Read More About Eureka City Schools at Humboldt History Day 2024
    You're Invited! EHS Jazz Ensemble to Host Swing Dance Event
    Get ready to put on your dancing shoes and swing those hips! The Eureka High School Jazz Ensemble is hosting a Swing Dance on Saturday, March 9, 2024, from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. The event will take place in the EHS Cafeteria, and the Jazz Ensemble will provide swing music for your entertainment. Admission to the event is $15.

    "The Jazz Ensemble plays a variety of musical styles. Most of our music is focused on swing, but you'll also be able to dance to ballads, waltzes, and even some Latin grooves," said Music Teacher Chris Cox. "So bring your dancing shoes. The floor is ready for you."

    The EHS Jazz Ensemble has provided music for the annual swing dance for 30 years. In years past, it was called "Dancing and Delectables" and included food and an auction. This year's event is all about the music and dancing.  

    Cox adds, "The dance is open to anyone, regardless of experience. You'll see beginning dancers next to amazing dancers who participate in competitions. Experienced swing dancers and local dance instructors often attend and are known to give tips and tricks on how to improve your dancing experience." 

    The fundraiser will help the EHS Jazz Ensemble with travel expenses, music, and equipment needed to run the band.

    Support the EHS Jazz Ensemble and have some fun this Saturday night!
    Read More About You're Invited! EHS Jazz Ensemble to Host Swing Dance Event
    Eureka City Schools Kicks Off National Reading Month with Engagement and Awareness

    March 1, 2024 - Eureka, CA - March is National Reading Month, which includes Dr. Suess's Birthday and Read Across America week. Eureka City Schools (ECS) sees National Reading Month as a significant opportunity to encourage reading and foster a love of books for our students. 

    “Literacy lays the foundation for our futures. A love of reading ignites the spark of curiosity, creativity, and connection with all things real and imagined,” said ECS Superintendent Gary Storts. 

    ECS has planned various reading activities throughout March and is kicking them off with our four elementary schools. In honor of Read Across America week (the first week of March), our elementary school classrooms will be visited by guest readers consisting of ECS Board members, administrators, retired teachers, elected officials, law enforcement, environmentalists, and other local leaders.

    "Lafayette Elementary loves to celebrate Read Across America. It is an event that both staff and students look forward to every year. We decorate every door on campus to spotlight authors and always have an amazing group of community members who come read their favorite books in each of our classes,” said the school's Principal, Quincy Brownfield. 

    Having guest readers is a yearly tradition for ECS elementary schools. The guest readers serve as mentors, demonstrate the importance and value of reading to our students, and help inspire the next generation of readers. Plus, it allows guests the chance to connect with our community's youngest and most vulnerable members. It is a meaningful and memorable time of growth for both children and adults. 

    Principal Rachel Brakeman of Grant Elementary says, “It is always a great opportunity to partner with our community to help support reading initiatives. We have had many fun events during the school day and Family Fun Nights that are centered around literacy.”

    Brakeman adds that Grant is getting its students excited about Read Across America week by having a 'dress as your favorite book character day.'

    “Our top priority and goal for Grant is centered around literacy. We want reading to be fun and something our students want to do,” said Brakeman. 

    Alice Birney Elementary recently raised $1,610 in its first Read-A-Thon and is hosting a biliteracy night later this month. Washington Elementary is hosting a DEAR (Drop-Everything-And-Read) event. 

    Eureka City Schools knows early literacy is pivotal in shaping a child's education and lifelong learning. That's why we are passionate about promoting reading and nurturing the development of crucial language acquisition, phonological awareness, and comprehension skills; we can positively impact our students' future academic success, their preparation for the workforce, and their ability to compete in a global economy.

    Superintendent Storts has prioritized early literacy in his goals as the new superintendent and is committed to ensuring that students read at grade level by the end of third grade.

    “The ability to read fluently, comprehend, and ask questions about what you read by the end of the third grade is a critical milestone marking the transition from learning to read to reading to learn - setting the stage for a lifetime of learning,” added Storts. 

    This school year, ECS implemented a new literacy curriculum Amplify Core Knowledge Language Arts, which is a leading early literacy curriculum grounded in the Science of Reading. Amplify-CKLA equips students with rich knowledge that intentionally builds to inspire curiosity and drive results.

    Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services Jennifer Johnson says, "I am incredibly proud of our teachers and support staff for the time and energy they have dedicated to implementing CKLA. The majority of our elementary teachers, lit techs, and aides attended Getting Reading Right training last year. Currently, ECS has a committed group of teachers attending LETRS training, Language Essentials for Teaching Reading and Spelling, this year and next. We are excited by the result from our mid-year assessment, which is showing solid growth in our primary grades in particular."

    Eureka City Schools is excited about National Reading Month and aims to bring awareness to the community about the importance of literacy among our youth and encourage everyone to get involved. 

    Storts says, “Reading with our youngest learners, whether at home with your child or as a volunteer at school, models the value of reading and nurtures a bond of shared discovery.” 

    So we're calling on you to invest your time this month to promote the importance of reading and, if the opportunity arises, to read to a child.

    To stay informed about ECS reading activities for National Reading Month, make sure to follow us on Facebook @eurekacityschools and Instagram #ReadtoSucceed

    Press Contact:
    Sierra Speer Dillon
    Communications and Marketing Coordinator
    Eureka City Schools
    [email protected]
    Read More About Eureka City Schools Kicks Off National Reading Month with Engagement and Awareness
    Eureka City Schools Board of Education Meeting Recap for February 15, 2024

    February 16, 2024 - Eureka, CA - The following is an overview of the Eureka City Schools Board of Education regular public meeting from Thursday, February 15, 2024. 

    • The Winship Middle School concert choir, led by music teacher Lisa Jouaneh, recited the Pledge of Allegiance and sang "Resilience," a song conveying a message of standing together through hard times. The students also shared their recent experience performing with over 400 other young musicians at the 67th Annual All County Music Festival hosted at Cal Poly Humboldt. 
    • Eureka High School FFA seniors Ava Jones and Madison Wiensz presented a season update on FFA accomplishments, field days, and upcoming competitions. The members shared the various public speaking, leadership, and career development opportunities FFA offers, that 13 teams compete statewide, and that 22 students will earn their state FFA degree - the highest honor for a junior or senior FFA member. 

    All items on the Consent Calendar were approved, except Item J(14), which was moved to Discussion/Action as Item K(14). 

    Discussion/Action items were all approved and as follows:

    Read More About Eureka City Schools Board of Education Meeting Recap for February 15, 2024
    Hearing to Receive Public Comment on ETA/ECS Interests for Negotiating Changes to the Collective Bargaining Agreement


    When: Thursday, February 15, 2024 – 6:30 p.m.

    What: Hearing to Receive Public Comment on ETA/ECS Interests for Negotiating Changes to the Collective Bargaining Agreement

    Where: Eureka City Schools Regular Board Meeting, Francis H. Taplin Board Room, 2100 J Street, Eureka, CA 95501

    At their regularly scheduled meeting on February 15, 2024, at 6:30 p.m., the Eureka City Schools Governing Board will hold a public hearing to receive public comment on the Eureka Teachers Association interests and Eureka City Schools interests in negotiating changes to the Collective Bargaining Agreement between Eureka City Schools Governing Board and Eureka Teachers Association.


    Matt Muldoon, ETA Bargaining Chair
    Tel: 707-845-6790

    Renae Will, Executive Director of Personnel and Public Affairs
    Tel: 707-441-3379

    Read More About Hearing to Receive Public Comment on ETA/ECS Interests for Negotiating Changes to the Collective Bargaining Agreement
    Eureka City School Board Adheres to Brown Act Regulations in Real Property Negotiations in Relationship to the Jacobs Property

    Eureka, CA – December 20, 2023 —The Eureka City School Board is committed to transparency and accountability in all its operations, particularly in compliance with the Ralph M. Brown Act, California's open meeting law. The Board recognizes the importance of keeping the public informed while also safeguarding sensitive negotiations related to real property. 

    The Brown Act, enacted to ensure public access to the decision-making processes of local government agencies, allows the School Board to discuss certain confidential matters in closed session. This expressly includes discussion regarding the terms of real property negotiations. This provision is designed to protect the District's bargaining position and to facilitate open and candid discussions among board members without divulging the parameters of what has been provided to the District’s negotiator, in this case the Superintendent.

    During these closed sessions, the Board is permitted to deliberate and consider the specifics of real property transactions without disclosing sensitive information to the public. This enables the School Board to provide parameters to the Superintendent to negotiate effectively, ensuring the best interests of the district and its stakeholders are upheld. 

    The Brown Act mandates certain documents related to real property negotiations be made public at specific stages of the process. Once a formal agreement is reached and ready to proceed to the Board for approval, the relevant documents, such as the terms of the transaction, are made available to the public in accordance with the law. In the case of our most recent meeting, the relevant agreement on which the Board was giving direction to the Superintendent was an exchange of property.  That agreement was linked to the resolution approving the agreement and authorizing the District staff to enter into escrow on the Jacobs property. Until the Board gave direction to the Superintendent regarding terms, the agreement and related resolution were not yet public records.

    The Eureka City School Board remains committed to upholding the principles of transparency and accountability. Information shared during closed sessions is kept confidential until the appropriate time for public disclosure, aligning with the legal requirements of the Brown Act. In the case of our Board meeting on Thursday, December 14, 2023, the relevant resolution and attached agreement was made public immediately following the closed session and at the outset of the public session portion of the meeting, prior to the Board’s action on the resolution and agreement.

    Press Contact
    Micalyn Harris, Executive Assistant
    Superintendent’s Office
    [email protected]
    Tel: 707-441-2414

    Read More About Eureka City School Board Adheres to Brown Act Regulations in Real Property Negotiations in Relationship to the Jacobs Property
    Online Enrollment for 2024-25

    Eureka City Schools Student Services is happy to announce our online registration system is now "live" for registrations for the 2024-25 school year!

    Please see this page for the link and instructions.

    Or go directly to the online registration form.

    Read More About Online Enrollment for 2024-25
    Notice of Adjournment of Regular Meeting

    NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Board of Trustees of Eureka City Schools herby adjourns its regular Board meeting on Thursday, November 16, 2023. The meeting is adjourned to Monday, November 20, 2023 at 12:00 p.m. to be held at the Eureka City Schools District Office (2100 J Street, Eureka, CA) in Room 118.

    Please refer to the agenda and agenda packet for the November 16, 2023 Board meeting, as it may be updated or amended.

    Read More About Notice of Adjournment of Regular Meeting
    Grand Opening Event for Eureka High's NEW Jay Willard Gymnasium

    YOU’RE INVITED! Eureka City Schools is happy to invite you to the Eureka High School Ribbon Cutting Ceremony and Grand Opening Event for the NEW Jay Willard Gymnasium.

    Thursday, August 17, 2023, from 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm, we will celebrate this monumental endeavor that’s been in the works for more than two decades. Meet at Eureka High, 1915 J Street, the new gym is located across from the ECS District Office.

    The new gym will not only benefit students, the community, and generations to come, but it serves as a testament to our community’s commitment to wanting the best for our youth, including but not limited to input and direction for the gym’s design and the passing of Measure S.

    Read More About Grand Opening Event for Eureka High's NEW Jay Willard Gymnasium
    2023-2024 Back-to-School Message with Eureka City Schools Superintendent Dr. Fred Van Vleck

    Welcome back-to-school message with Eureka City Schools Superintendent Dr. Fred Van Vleck. Reminder: The first day of school is Monday, August 21, 2023. 

    For more information regarding the 2023-2024 School Year, please visit the Eureka City Schools 2023-2024 School Year & Back-to-School Information page by clicking here. 

    For information regarding a particular school site, please visit the designated school webpages located in the SCHOOLS tab of the Homepage dropdown menu.  

    Inspiring academic Excellence, Creativity, and the confidence to Succeed. – ECS

    Read More About 2023-2024 Back-to-School Message with Eureka City Schools Superintendent Dr. Fred Van Vleck
    Eureka City Schools Back-to-School Information for the 2023-2024 School Year

    Welcome to Eureka City Schools. The first day of school for the 2023-2024 school year is Monday, August 21, 2023.

    There is still time to register preschool through 12th-grade students for the 2023-2024 school year. Although some school sites are full, waiting lists and special placement opportunities are available. Parents/guardians need to register students in person. For registration information and requirements, visit the Student Registration page by clicking here.


    Is my child eligible for Transitional Kindergarten (TK) or Kindergarten? Visit the Humboldt County Office of Education TK & K Eligibility page by clicking here.

    Where do I register my child?

    Registration for Winzler Children's Center Preschool:
    Phone: (707) 441-2498
    Address: 719 Creighton St, Eureka, CA 95501

    Registration for all ECS Elementary and Middle School sites:
    Eureka City Schools District Office
    Phone: (707) 441-3383
    Address: 2100 J St, Eureka, CA 95501

    Registration for Eureka High School and Zoe Barnum High School:
    Eureka High School's Main Office
    Phone: (707) 441-2508
    Address: 1915 J St, Eureka, CA 95501
    Note: All high school-age students will register at EHS; EHS refers students if they need to attend Zoe Barnum.


    Your school of placement will contact you with more details regarding your child(ren) entering school for the first day. You will receive the ECS 2023-2024 School Year Packet, which contains important 2023-2024 school year information. Please read, complete, and return all the enclosed document forms to your child(ren)'s school by Monday, August 28, 2023.


    School Start & Dismissal Times – ECS Elementary Schools Alice Birney, Grant, Lafayette, and Washington are TK through 5th grade. For all elementary school grade levels, school starts at 8:10 a.m. Monday is minimum day and dismissal is at 1:55 p.m. School dismissal Tuesday through Friday is 2:42 p.m.

    ECS Middle Schools Winship and Zane are 6th through 8th grade. For all middle school grade levels, school starts at 8:40 a.m. Monday is minimum day and dismissal is at 2:28 p.m. School dismissal Tuesday through Friday is 3:31 p.m.

    Eureka High School has Monday Collaboration Day. On Monday, Zero Period starts at 7:37 a.m., 1st Period starts at 8:30 a.m., and 6th Period ends at 2:39 p.m. For the EHS Regular Day schedule (Tues-Fri), Zero Period starts at 7:26 a.m., 1st Period starts at 8:30 a.m., and 6th Period ends at 3:44 p.m.


    School Orientations and Meet & Greet Opportunities

    Winship Middle School: 
    6th Grade
    Thursday, August 17, 2023, 1:00 p.m. - 3 p.m.

    7-8th Grade
    Friday, August 18, 2023, 12:00 p.m. – 3 p.m.

    Zane Middle School: Students can turn in their 2023-2024 Back-to-School Packet and pick up their schedules (if available) during these designated time frames. 

    8th Grade
    Wednesday, August 16, 2023, 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

    7th Grade
    Thursday, August 17, 2023, 12:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

    6th Grade
    Friday, August 18, 2023, 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

    New Student Orientation 
    Friday, August 18, 2023, 1:00 p.m.  3:30 p.m.

    Eureka High School:
    New Student Orientation - There is one session for all new students.

    Thursday, August 17, 2023, 9:00 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. 

    Zoe Barnum High School: To Be Determined. 

    Please verify scheduled times with your school’s main office closer to the event date. For more information contact the school site. 


    The Free Meals Program will continue for the 2023-2024 School Year. ECS is proud to be a part of California's Universal Meals Program, offering free breakfast, lunch, and an afterschool meal to all students TK-12th grade enrolled in the district. Traditional meal eligibility applications are no longer required; however, we ask that each family fill out the Benefit Eligibility Survey, included in the ECS 2023-2024 School Year Packet.  For more information visit the ECS Nutrition Services page by clicking here.


    Students are required to wear appropriate apparel to school. Clothing is to cover the person, and clothing and shoes should be safe, functional, and worn properly. Please refer to the Parent/Guardian Handbook for apparel descriptions and requirements.

    School buses are available with limited bus routes within the established bussing zones. Those who wish to have their students ride the bus must meet two conditions. 1. They must attend their School of Residence. 2. They must live outside the established non-transportation zones for their School of Residence. A bus form must be on file for your child(ren) to ride the bus. The forms are available at the ECS District Office and all school sites. For more information visit 
    the Bus Routes page by clicking here or call the Transportation Department at (707) 441-2504.


    Absenteeism & Tardiness – Students who are absent and/or late for 30 minutes or more with an unexcused reason, according to the State of California Ed Code 48260-48273, will be considered truant. Parents/guardians are required to contact the school when their child is absent for the day or late. Students must obtain a tardy slip/off-grounds slip upon arriving to school late or leaving school early. The State of California requires the school(s) to notify parents/guardians when a student is deemed truant. Each following truancy also requires parent notification. Research shows that students who attend school regularly tend to achieve higher levels of success than students who do not have regular attendance. Teachers can't help a child learn who is not in the classroom. Please do everything possible to ensure punctuality and consistent attendance for your child(ren).


    Families are encouraged to take advantage of ECS scheduled vacation days when going on vacation. However, we understand unforeseen, necessary absences may occur. Please request an independent study for absences of five or more consecutive days and give your child(ren)'s teacher/school one-week advance notice to organize the independent study. If your child will be absent for less than five days, please contact your child(ren)'s teacher/school one week in advance for classroom work. Appropriate planning for absences will significantly help your child(ren)'s educational success.

    Cell phones are allowed on campus; however, they are to remain off and confined, unless the teacher allows for instructional use.

    Dropping off and picking up your child(ren) requires patience and best practices for the safety of our school community. Please enter and exit the school in the correct locations and drive very slowly. When parking your vehicle, please park legally and correctly in designated areas. Please remember to be safe, responsible, and respectful to your school community.

    We invite you to follow the Eureka City Schools social media pages to stay updated on all things happening throughout the district. Click on the link to visit the following pages:


    The ECS Facebook page

    The ECS Instagram page

    The ECS YouTube channel

    Eureka City Schools' dedicated staff is looking forward to the 2023-2024 school year and is working hard to develop new programs that will enrich the educational experience for students and families.

    Thank you for your dedication to ensuring your child(ren)'s academic success. We are excited to have you as part of the ECS community and look forward to supporting you in any way we can. Your cooperation and preparedness are greatly appreciated, and we know your child(ren) will thrive with your involvement.


    Inspiring academic Excellence, Creativity, and the confidence to Succeed - ECS

    Read More About Eureka City Schools Back-to-School Information for the 2023-2024 School Year
    PRESS RELEASE: Important Update from the Board of Education Regarding the Superintendent Position at Eureka City Schools

    Press Release from the Board of Education



    Fred Van Vleck Announces to the Eureka City Schools Board of Education 

    Intent to Leave His Post as Superintendent in January of 2024

    June 27, 2023 - Eureka, CA On June 27, 2023, Dr. Van Vleck announced to the Eureka City Schools Board of Education his intent to leave his post as Superintendent in January of 2024.  The Eureka City Schools Board of Education would like to thank Dr. Fred Van Vleck for his 11 years of service (nearly 12 when he departs in January) to the students of Eureka City Schools.  Board President Mike Duncan said, “The work Dr. Van Vleck has done in Eureka City Schools will impact our students for generations to come.” 

    “Dr. Van Vleck is a native of Humboldt County and we are pleased he chose to come home and serve our students,” notes Board Clerk Susan Johnson. “I had the pleasure of serving on the interview panel for Dr. Van Vleck back in 2012.  We were looking for a new superintendent who understood our community and was willing to make a long-term commitment to our District.  We are proud that when he leaves the District during the next school year, he will be the longest-currently-serving superintendent in Humboldt County.  This is a testament to his commitment to the students attending Eureka City Schools.” 

    While we are disappointed at the news Dr. Van Vleck shared with us on June 27, 2023, we would like to celebrate his many accomplishments as our Superintendent and wish him luck in his future endeavors.   We are particularly pleased that he is willing to provide services as the Superintendent in the interim, during our search process.  He has committed to work half of the 2023-24 school year to help ensure the transition of the next Superintendent is successful. 

    During Dr. Van Vleck’s tenure, some of the more notable projects include an over 75 million dollar construction program with projects on every site in the District.  He was able to leverage our local dollars and bring in 10’s of millions of dollars from Sacramento.  He has been active in the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA), serving as the Regional Vice President and representative to the State Superintendent’s Advisory Council.  He has also served on the California School Boards Association Superintendents’ Advisory Council.

    As a former Agriculture and Career and Technical Education teacher, Dr. Van Vleck champions programs for students seeking a career in the trades.  During his work in Eureka, he was recognized as the California Association FFA Star Administrator for the State of California.

    Dr. Van Vleck has also been very active in the community, helping to raise millions of dollars for nonprofits, charities, and students with his skill as an auctioneer.  He has been an active member of the Eureka Rotary and a member of the Humboldt County Fair Board. 

    Moving forward, the Board plans to conduct a statewide search for the new Superintendent.  The process starts with selecting a firm to work with the community to establish priorities in what qualities and characteristics we are looking for in our next Superintendent.  The same firm will then attract and recruit candidates for the Board to interview and select from.  The Board is anticipating the new Superintendent to start in January 2024.


    Press Contact:

    Sierra Speer Dillon

    Communications and Marketing Coordinator

    Eureka City Schools

    [email protected]


    Read More About PRESS RELEASE: Important Update from the Board of Education Regarding the Superintendent Position at Eureka City Schools
    Eureka High School Seniors take 'Legacy Walk' of their former elementary schools ahead of 2023 Graduation


    June 13, 2023 - Eureka, CA - In an annual tradition, seniors from the Eureka High School (EHS) 2023 graduating class went on a 'Legacy Walk' of their former elementary schools on Tuesday.

    Eight local elementary schools received visits from alums, and everyone was eager to celebrate. Many classes prepared for the seniors' arrival by creating elaborate congratulatory signs with words of inspiration. Seniors visited Eureka City Schools (ECS) elementary schools - Alice Birney, Grant, Lafayette, and Washington, along with neighboring schools - South Bay, Pine Hill, Freshwater, and Cutten. 

    The seniors paraded proudly in their caps and gowns, complete with graduation accessories, tassels, cords, and stoles, and were greeted with high-fives, cheers, and a sea of signs waved with vigor and excitement!

    Seniors then spoke and mingled with younger students, encouraging them to work hard in school and pursue their dreams. They reminisced about their early education - including some playtime on the playgrounds - and saw former teachers and school employees a final time before taking the stage at graduation on Friday, June 16, 2023.

    The Legacy Walk was planned and organized by the EHS Student Government Transition Commissioners, Odelle (Della) Cook, Cayden Bluwe, Isabelle West, and Joseph GonzalezFletes, as part of their role in the Student Government Class. EHS Student Activities Director Tera Sanchez oversaw the event.

    The participating chaperones, Jeanne Woods, Lacey Lorenzen, Rob Standish, Caroline Needham, Jennifer Johnson, Enrique Gomez, Sarah Cruz, Aaron Coyle, Omar Khattab, and Paul Claussen, helped to make the Legacy Walk possible.

    Thank you, to all of those involved, for supporting our seniors.

    Congratulations to the Graduating Class of 2023!


    Press Contact:
    Sierra Speer Dillon
    Communications and Marketing Coordinator
    Eureka City Schools
    [email protected]

    Read More About Eureka High School Seniors take 'Legacy Walk' of their former elementary schools ahead of 2023 Graduation
    Despite Delays, Eureka City Schools Remains Committed to Measure T Construction Project



    June 13, 2023 - Eureka, CA  -  Eureka City Schools (ECS) recently determined that the formal groundbreaking for the Albee Stadium, softball field, and Cloney Field construction project, backed by Measure T, will be delayed until 2024. While this delay is disappointing, we remain committed to ensuring Measure T repairs and upgrades are achieved, and goals are accomplished.

    Following assessments by independent structural engineers, we determined that portions of the Eureka High School campus are compromised by the failure of the storm drainage infrastructure, creating dangerous sinkholes, denying safe access to facilities by persons with disabilities, and undermining the safety of hillside and adjacent facilities. These imminent health and safety risks to students and staff led to the passage of Measure T - an Emergency High School Repair/Student Safety Measure - in March 2020.

    Eureka City Schools worked with architects and engineers to develop the construction plan to submit to the Division of the State Architect (DSA). The project is being addressed in two increments, with initial allocated costs being $11 million for Increment #1 and $7 million for Increment #2, totaling $18 million. 

    Read More About Despite Delays, Eureka City Schools Remains Committed to Measure T Construction Project
    Eureka City Schools 2023 Graduation and Promotion Ceremonies

    June 12, 2023

    Dear Eureka City Schools Friends and Families,

    This is a friendly reminder of the upcoming graduation and promotion ceremonies for four of our school sites. This Wednesday through Friday, students from Winship, Zane, Zoe Barnum, and Eureka High will be recognized. All ceremonies will be held at Eureka High School's Albee Stadium. The stadium has been assessed for safety hazards and approved for use, so we are pleased to accommodate guests for these events.

    Eureka City Schools has also partnered with the Humboldt County Office of Education’s Communications Center to have all ceremonies streamed live at their designated times from the ECS YouTube channel.

    They are scheduled here:

    Zoe Barnum High School Graduation 

     Wednesday, June 14, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.

    Winship Middle School Promotion Ceremony

    Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.

    Zane Middle School Promotion Ceremony

    Thursday, June 15, 2023 at 4:00 p.m.

    Eureka High School Graduation

    Friday, June 16, 2023 at 2:00 p.m.

    Read More About Eureka City Schools 2023 Graduation and Promotion Ceremonies
    EHS Computer Programming Whiz Racks Up Accolades and $60K in College Scholarships

    June 6, 2023 - Eureka, CA - Many high school students dream of attending college and winning scholarships to help get them there. One student at Eureka High School (EHS) is making that dream a reality - and in a big way!

    EHS Senior Bien Hou is a computer science whiz with a passion for programming. Her computer science knowledge, mixed with her ambition and determination, has been the perfect recipe to rake in more than $60,000 in college scholarships to kick start her higher education. 

    “I really like programming because of the creativity involved in it. You can program almost anything you want as long as you have the imagination,” said Hou.  

    Hou specializes in Python programming - which is used in machine learning, web development, desktop applications, and many other fields. It is considered one of the most popular programming languages for Web Developers, Data Scientists, and Machine Learning Engineers.

    Hou is also interested in cyber security, artificial intelligence, and computational statistics (the bond between statistics and computer science) after taking an online course through Stanford University. She learned that statistical techniques have become essential in helping computer scientists make informed decisions about their data and improve the efficiency and accuracy of their algorithms.

    “That course really showed me data analysis and how you can manipulate data. It interested me because I took AP Statistics at Eureka High and I really liked that course,” said Hou.

    Over the past few years Hou has worked closely with her teachers and the EHS Counseling Department to explore and apply to a vast and growing range of computer science opportunities, competitions, programs, and scholarships.

    “My teachers and counselors have been really supportive. They have always been the ones who recommended me to different programs. Without them I probably wouldn't have even known some of these scholarships existed,” said Hou.

    Sarah Cruz is Hou’s current counselor at Eureka High. She says, “Bien is exceptional. She drives most of her own learning but she’ll come to me with ideas, scholarships, and things she wants to do, and I help her figure it out.”

    Hou was selected into the Dell Scholars Class of 2023 - receiving a $20,000 scholarship, a laptop computer, textbook credits, personalized academic & financial support, and more. Being selected as a Dell Scholar means Bien represents the top 4 percent of all Dell Scholar applicants. 

    Most recently she was awarded a $40,000 Amazon Future Engineer Scholarship. This Amazon program was created to inspire and propel the next generation of innovators. Scholars are also offered access to a paid internship related to their field of study after freshman year of college. 

    Hou explained that to secure these scholarships she needed to state why she is interested in technology, why she desires a career in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math), her relative accomplishments, and personal challenges. She also shared that she is an advocate for computer literacy and appreciates how the skills she has learned can be used to tackle real-world problems. 

    “I know that computer science may sound daunting or challenging, but it's a very important skill, even if you’re not interested in it. Technology is really advancing so I think it’s important to know a lot about computer science.”

    Read More About EHS Computer Programming Whiz Racks Up Accolades and $60K in College Scholarships
    Eureka City Schools to Offer Meals All Summer in Effort to Assist with Youth Food Insecurities
    May 31, 2023 - Eureka, CA - Eureka City Schools (ECS) is pleased to announce our Summer Community Meals program will continue in 2023. 

    Starting June 26, 2023 and spanning through August 11, 2023, children 18 years of age and younger can access free nutritious meals from four designated school sites, Monday through Friday. School sites participating in the Community Meals Program are Alice Birney Elementary - the ECS Primary Community Meals site, Washington Elementary, Zane Middle School, and Eureka High School.

    Eureka City Schools encourages families and approved programs to access meals at the Primary Community Meals site - Alice Birney. As part of a new California Pilot program, meals are not required to be consumed on-site, if accessed from the Primary Community Meals site. Meals are available at Alice Birney from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM. 

    Washington, Zane and Eureka High will also have access from 6/26/23 to 8/11/23. At these locations meals must be consumed on-site. Meals will be available from 12:00 PM to 12:30 PM  at Zane and EHS, and 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM at Washington. These sites have a short time window because they are either directly before or after the site’s designated Summer School lunch period. 

    The ECS Summer Community Meals Program provides an opportunity to continue a child's physical and social development while providing nutritious meals during vacation periods from school. Eureka City Schools takes food insecurity very seriously and understands how much good nutrition is essential for not only learning in school but for a child’s overall growth and development. Having consistent access to healthy food can stabilize energy, promote strong bones and teeth, improve mental health, help to maintain a healthy weight, prevent chronic diseases, and even reduce anxiety and give a child confidence. 

    Our participation in this federally-funded program through the U.S. Department of Agriculture helps children stay connected to their community and return to school ready to learn.

    Eureka City Schools is an equal opportunity provider. If you have any questions, please contact Food Services Director Kevin Ralston at (707) 441-2501. The Community Meals Menu and other Food Services information is posted at 
    Read More About Eureka City Schools to Offer Meals All Summer in Effort to Assist with Youth Food Insecurities
    This is the image for the news article titled
    May 26, 2023 - Eureka, CA - Jacquee Hagans began her career with Eureka City Schools (ECS) in September 1987. Today, you can still find her smiling face at the District Office, always complete with a positive attitude, quirky lapel pins, and a colorful matching skirt, sweater, and headband. However, Hagans will soon be saying farewell and retiring from ECS on July 7, 2023.

    READ THE FULL STORY HERE: Celebrating ECS Employee Jacquee Hagans 5-26-23.pdf
    Read More About
    Classified Employee Week 2023

    May 22, 2023 - Eureka, CA - Eureka City Schools is celebrating Classified School Employee Week, May 21-27, 2023.

    Check out the ECS CSEW Appreciation Video: Eureka City Schools Celebrates Classified School Employee Week 2023

    Eureka City Schools Celebrates Classified School Employee Week 2023

    The Eureka City Schools Board of Education passed a resolution on April 26, 2023 officially recognizing Classified School Employee Week as May 21-May 27.

    Classified employees have earned respect as educators and partners in the education community. More importantly, they have become recognized as essential frontline workers who keep our schools up-and-running while making a difference in the lives of the students they serve. 

    • Custodial and maintenance staff keep our campuses clean and safe.

    • Bus drivers and transportation staff get students to school safely.

    • Office staff meet the needs of students, parents and administrators.

    • Food service workers keep students fed and ready to learn.

    • Technical staff keep everyone connected and online.

    • Paraprofessionals support students and help them overcome new challenges.

    • School safety officers keep our school grounds safe and secure.

    • Library assistants and technicians provide accessible resources and safe spaces for students to learn.

    Plus there's many more classified employees deserving recognition. Thank you to all of the Eureka City Schools Classified Staff!

    Read More About Classified Employee Week 2023
    Eureka City Schools In Search of New Eureka High CTE Agriculture Teacher

    May 23, 2023 - Eureka, CA -Eureka City Schools is in search of outstanding candidates for our Agriculture Career Technical Education (CTE) Program at Eureka High School in a three person department. 

    This program includes Ag Mechanics, Ag Welding, Sustainable Agriculture Biology, Chemistry in Agriculture, Ag Earth Science, Advanced Agriscience, Floral I and II as well as Fisheries and Aquaculture Science. Eureka City Schools will work with candidates to find what courses will work best for them based on background and experience. 

    The chosen candidate will have the opportunity to teach in Eureka High’s new $6.6M facility with two Agriscience classrooms, an Ag Mechanics classroom, and a new shop with over $600K worth of new equipment. 

    NEW: Eureka City Schools now recognizes UNLIMITED years of previous teaching experience for initial placement on the salary schedule. 



    To find out what the Ag Department and this position is all about, please see the links below:

    Ag Department webpage

    Check out Ag Welding at Eureka High:

    Read More About Eureka City Schools In Search of New Eureka High CTE Agriculture Teacher
    Eureka City Schools Board of Education 2022-2023 Employee Recognition Reception

    On May 11, 2023 the Eureka City Schools Board of Education hosted an annual recognition event to honor the 2022-2023 Certificated Employees of the Year and the Apple Pin Honoree. Principals select a Certificated Employee of the Year to highlight and represent their school and out of those teachers the annual District Certificated Employee of the Year is selected. 

    • Zane Middle School Principal Tammi Wagner was honored as the 2022-2023 ECS Administrator of the Year.
    • Emily Rico from Grant Elementary was honored as the 2022-2023 ECS Districtwide Certificated Employee of the Year. 
    • A Certificated Employee of the Year was recognized for each school: Kathy Warren from Alice Birney, Emily Rico from Grant, Lisa Barrera from Lafayette, Betsy Rains from Washington, Lisa Jouaneh from Winship, Hillary Sicaud from Zane, and Hilda Torres from Eureka High.
    • Katy Schrum of Washington Elementary was honored with the Apple Pin Award.
      The following is additional information highlighting each of these deserving award recipients. 

    For additional information highlighting each of these deserving award recipients, please see the full press release: 2022-2023 ECS EMPLOYEE RECOGNITION AWARDS.pdf

    Read More About Eureka City Schools Board of Education 2022-2023 Employee Recognition Reception
    Eureka High School Students Earn 43 California State Seals of Biliteracy in 7 World Languages
    May 19, 2023 - Eureka, CA - The Humboldt County Office of Education held its 11th Annual Seal of Biliteracy Awards Ceremony on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at the Sequoia Conference Center in Eureka. This year HCOE celebrated 113 students that earned the California Department of Education’s Seal of Biliteracy in one or more of 11 languages representing nine different high schools in Humboldt County.

    Eureka City Schools is proud to announce that Eureka High School made quite the statement this year with its students earning 43 Seals of Biliteracy in seven World Languages.

    These remarkable students were honored with an official certificate and a medal for achieving Biliteracy. Four students (below in bold) achieved multiliteracy and received their Seal in three languages including English. The students were accompanied by their families and dedicated staff from the EHS World Languages Department and EHS Counselors.

    Every school year Eureka High School offers its students the opportunity to be assessed to receive their California Seal of Biliteracy. The State Seal of Biliteracy (SSB), marked by a gold seal on the diploma or transcript, recognizes high school graduates who have attained a high level of proficiency in speaking, reading, and writing one or more languages in addition to English.

    EHS Counselor Sarah Cruz says, “The process allows for students to have their language skills verified to colleges and future employers. Many of these students have taken four years of a world language at Eureka High or speak their own heritage language in addition to English.”

    Eureka High currently offers Spanish, German and Yurok. This year EHS students received Seals of Biliteracy in Spanish, German, Hmong, Vietnamese, Czech, Gujarati and Chinese Mandarin.

    Join us in congratulating them! Their names and Seals of Biliteracy are listed below.

    Eureka High School Students Honored with the CA Seal of Biliteracy

    Bien Hou  - German/Mandarin
    Kazhia Lee - Spanish/Hmong
    Kishan Patel - Gujarati/Spanish
    Amelia Staiano - Czech/Spanish

    Spectre Hailey      
    Amber Olson      
    Gaige Shinn        

    Bui Khanh Linh Nguyen  

    Faith Abercrombie          
    Aleyah Angel Lopez      
    Christopher Barroso      
    Olivia Biesecker
    Wolfgang Bise  
    Davis Boone      
    Ava Colosi-Bennett        
    Marco Cruz Hernandez  
    Alma Cruz-Mojica      
    Puletele Fonoti  
    Joseph Gonzalez Fletes  
    Anna Grimmett
    Rebeka Hang    
    Diego Hernandez-Gonzalez        
    Jesus Hernandez              
    Stasha Leonard  
    Ashly Lopez        
    Samantha Munguia-Gastelum    
    Margaret Odell  
    Sasha Ortiz Bazan            
    Kimberli Pacheco          
    Pretty Perez Finn          
    Nelsy Ramirez Pacheco
    Keenan Riggs Turpin    
    Brian Rodriguez Barroso          
    Destiny Rodriguez        
    Valeria Ruiz        
    Ean Savage        
    Jordan Urban    
    Juan Valdavinos
    Isaac Young        


    Press Contact:
    Sierra Speer Dillon
    Communications and Marketing Coordinator
    Eureka City Schools
    [email protected]
    Tel: 707-441-3373
    Read More About Eureka High School Students Earn 43 California State Seals of Biliteracy in 7 World Languages
    Eureka High Athletes to Pursue Track & Cross Country Dreams at Cal Poly Humboldt

    May 12, 2023 - Eureka, CA -  Eureka High School (EHS) track and cross country stars, Daniel Shaver and Charlotte Leonard will continue their athletic pursuits into college and right here in Humboldt. 

    The two EHS seniors have signed letters of intent from Cal Poly Humboldt’s head men's/women's cross country coach & assistant track/field coach Jamey Harris, to participate on the Cal Poly Humboldt track & field and cross country teams for the 2023-2024 school year. 

    The signing took place Wednesday afternoon on May 3, 2023 in the EHS main foyer and the athletes were accompanied at the signing ceremony by EHS track & field and cross country coach Scott Pesch, the EHS Athletic Department, family, and friends.

    Coach Pesch says, “They are what a coach would call perfect student athletes. These two, they are the ones that are responsible for the culture of our distance running program. From running on the beach to around town, they are always leading the way.  They have great work ethic and they have been Captains now since sophomore year, and that’s remarkable. The coaches and the whole school are proud of them. We’re going to miss them but I know they will have great success at Cal Poly.”

    Daniel Shaver officially started his track and cross country career at Eureka High his freshman year but says he’s loved running since childhood. Shaver’s main events for track are the 1600 and 3200, with personal records of 4:34 and 10:01. His personal record in 5k for cross country is 16:57 and personal record in the 3 mile is 15:59. 

    He says, “My track experience at EHS has definitely helped pave the way for this opportunity at Cal Poly Humboldt. I feel I’m ready to be a freshman again. I’ve met the team already, I like the team culture, and I think it’s going to be a great experience.”

    Charlotte Leonard’s main events for cross country are the 5k with a personal record of 20:21, and the 3 mile at 19:47. Her track events are the 1600 with a personal record of 5:48, and the 3200 at 12:15. 

    Leonard says, “My experience with my coaches and my team has been really  awesome. They have all been supportive of me, and we support each other to be the best runners and people we can be. I’m excited to see what I can do in college; keep running and keep doing well.”

    Both students are also successful in academics and involved in other school activities. Shaver has a passion for math and wants to study environmental engineering at Cal Poly Humboldt. Leonard is in the EHS orchestra, jazz band, symphonic band  and several clubs. She plans to study psychology at Cal Poly Humboldt. Congratulations to Daniel Shaver and Charlotte Leonard.

    See the video recap here:

    Read More About Eureka High Athletes to Pursue Track & Cross Country Dreams at Cal Poly Humboldt
    Eureka High School Music Students Earn Unanimous Superiors at Jazz Festival
    May 8, 2023 - Eureka, CA - Eureka High School’s Limited Edition directed by Charles Young earned unanimous superiors at the 48th Annual Fullerton College Jazz Festival in Fullerton, CA on Friday, April 21, 2023. Three soloists, Kylie Her, Betsy Woods, and Isaac Young were recognized for outstanding musicianship.

    Limited Edition is a Humboldt County recognized vocal jazz ensemble under the direction of Charles Young, an outstanding music educator of the North Coast California Music Educators Association (CMEA). Limited Edition has been at Eureka High for more than 30 years and through the years has traveled to New York, Los Angeles, Boston and Canada.

    Director Young says the Fullerton Jazz Festival is an educational event that gives young musicians the opportunity to receive feedback from leaders in the vocal jazz field and listen to other vocal jazz groups and soloists.

    “I’m extremely proud of my students and hope this experience leads them to a better understanding of the genre of Vocal Jazz and perhaps inspires them to pursue it as a source of joy at the very least,” said Young.

    Young adds, Limited Edition sang Walkin’ - “a sassy tune that allows for musicians to sing an improvised solo called scat.” Those soloists were Isaac Young and Betsy Woods. Limited’s second chart called When I Fall in Love is a ballad that featured Kylie Her and finished with a chart called Big Cash Deal. This chart follows the classic Blues form and is about running the perfect con. “Their tight harmonies and sense of rhythm” earned Limited Edition unanimous superiors. The group practiced for this performance for about eight weeks interspersed with Singing Valentines (a fundraising program) and even had evening rehearsals every Wednesday to prepare.

    A “Superior” rating is defined by CMEA as the following:
    This rating represents the finest conceivable performance for the event and the
    level of participants being adjudicated; worthy of being recognized as among the
    very best. While the Adjudicator might find some minor points to criticize and
    make some helpful suggestions for further improvement, their comments and/or
    check marks would show a preponderance of “Superiors.”

    Fullerton Jazz Festival Coordinators thanked all the participating music directors and said, "You spend countless hours rehearsing with your students and other behind-the-scenes preparations in order to take them to festivals, workshops, community events, and concerts. Thank you for your wonderful contributions to jazz music in our schools.”
    Read More About Eureka High School Music Students Earn Unanimous Superiors at Jazz Festival
    Washington Elementary Teacher Mary Stone - 2023 Excellence in Teaching Award Recipient
    May 11, 2023 - Eureka, CA - Eureka City Schools (ECS) would like to congratulate Mary Stone, First Grade Teacher at Washington Elementary, for her recent Excellence in Teaching Award from the Humboldt County Office of Education. Stone received this prestigious honor with 14 other local teachers, including Kindergarten Teacher Michelle Merideth-Sutke of Grant Elementary.

    Stone shares with us some of her background, along with personal perspectives and philosophies on being a teacher.
    “I have professionally been involved in education since 1989, when I first started teaching in Reno, NV.  After two years there, I transferred to Eureka City Schools (ECS) in Eureka, and that has been my teaching home ever since. I have been teaching first grade, with one year as a 1st/2nd combination teacher, for my entire teaching career. I have a wealth of experience and knowledge in early education, and I’m happy to share that with my students, their families, student teachers, and my teaching peers. I’m on a journey, and I’m always happy to have others join me.

    As an example of my desire to share my journey, I have embraced the opportunity throughout my years working with ECS to work with and help shape an annual stream of student teachers from Humboldt State University (now Cal Poly Humboldt), as well as other online credential programs. This exposure brings with it great responsibility, and I respect that challenge. For me, to model best teaching practices, whether they involve student behavior management, presentation of curriculum and coverage of standards, organization of materials, or assessment collection and analysis, I need to stay on top of my game. I am a life-long learner, and I model that through my pursuit to always be looking for methods and practices that allow me to improve my craft and better meet the needs of all my diverse population of students.
    I got into this profession because I love learning, and I love working with students. My passion that drove me here is that I truly believed I could make a difference in children’s lives. I believed that when I started teaching, and continue to believe that 34 years later. I love what I do. I love the student and family relationships that I have developed, and I love the strong peer relationships that I maintain. I care about the students, and I care about what they experience in our classroom. Additionally, I have a very strong work ethic, and I am willing to put in the effort to run the most effective programs I can for the wonderful community of learners that I work with.”

    Stone was accompanied at the HCOE Excellence in Teaching awards event at the Sequoia Conference Center on May 3, 2023 by her husband, and the three colleagues and friends who nominated her, Washington Principal Teri Silvers, Maikken Bass, and Rose Buchner.

    Principal Silvers says, “Mrs. Stone is an inspirational educator. Moreover, she motivates, teachers, monitors, and supports all students in her classroom. Mary gets results. She knows what effective teaching tools look like, and knows and expects highest-level student work and behavior.”

    Thank you for your excellence in teaching Mary Stone. Keep up the great work!
    Read More About Washington Elementary Teacher Mary Stone - 2023 Excellence in Teaching Award Recipient
    Grant Elementary Teacher Michelle Merideth-Sutke - 2023 Excellence in Teaching Award Recipient

    May 11, 2023 - Eureka, CA - Eureka City Schools (ECS) would like to congratulate Michelle Merideth-Sutke, Kindergarten Teacher at Grant Elementary, for her recent Excellence in Teaching Award from the Humboldt County Office of Education. Merideth-Sutke received this prestigious honor with 14 other local teachers, including First Grade Teacher Mary Stone from Washington Elementary.

    Merideth-Sutke shares with us how her love for teaching got started, some of her experiences through the years, and where she’s at today.

    “I grew up in Humboldt County with two long-time ECS teachers. My brother and I spent a lot of time helping to prep activities, hanging bulletin boards and running around both the Alice Birney and Winship campuses while our parents were working in their classrooms. I watched the amazing relationships they built with their students and colleagues and definitely noticed the hard work that they were putting into their job on a daily basis.

    My parents’ last year of teaching was my first year of teaching with Eureka City Schools.  I have been with the District for most of my 18 years as an educator. During two of those years I worked as an Interpretive Ranger for Redwood National Park at Wolf Creek Outdoor School which was an amazing experience in outdoor education.

    While in a traditional classroom setting I have taught Kindergarten, First Grade, Fourth Grade, and Reading Intervention (part-time). Along with teaching, as many of my colleagues also do, I have served on a variety of committees which include site ETA representative, teacher representative on PTA, site leadership and PBIS teams, curriculum committee, curriculum selection teams, and have hosted several student teachers. Teaching is a challenging career however I am lucky to have an amazing group of family, friends and colleagues who are constantly willing to support me. I could not do what I do without them.

    Outside of school, I have two young daughters (who also attend Grant) who keep me busy with coaching soccer, attending ballet events, playing the piano, theater, bike riding, hiking, swimming and co-leading a Girl Scout troop.”

    Merideth-Sutke was accompanied at the HCOE Excellence in Teaching awards event at the Sequoia Conference Center on May 3, 2023 by her husband Dwayne, daughters Reece & Norah, parents Ken and Patty Merideth, Grant Principal Rachel Brakeman, and longtime teaching colleagues - Carla Kraus, Harmony Pelern, Maggie Tedder, Mike Larson, Sandra Osuna, Val Heidger, Marilyn Nilsen, and Emily Rico.

    ECS colleague Mike Larson says, “Michelle has inspired me in her practices, professionalism, and strength through positivity. I have been directly influenced by her creativity and confidence in executing project-based learning opportunities. In the years I have known Michelle, she has continued to leave an indelible mark on the Grant family in the classroom, our school at large, and extending to the entire community.”

    Thank you for your excellence in teaching Michelle Merideth-Sutke. Keep up the great work!

    Read More About Grant Elementary Teacher Michelle Merideth-Sutke - 2023 Excellence in Teaching Award Recipient
    Eureka City Schools Addresses Youth Mental Health Priorities with New Wellness Center

    May 5, 2023 - Eureka, CA - Eureka City Schools (ECS) is in the process of implementing Wellness Centers on campuses throughout the District. The first Wellness Center was recently developed and is currently housed on the Eureka High School (EHS) campus. An official Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Wellness Center was held on Tuesday, May 2, 2023 with the Greater Eureka Chamber of Commerce to celebrate this ambitious endeavor.  

    Now staff and students are ready to share this amazing new space with the community while also bringing awareness to Mental Health Month May. The Wellness Center is hosting a public open house, Wednesday, May 24, 2023, anytime from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm.  

    Although located at EHS, the Wellness Center is meant to serve all Eureka City Schools’ students and is acting as the model and pilot program with plans to scale the project to other campuses. These Wellness Centers are meant to help fulfill Priority Area 3 of the ECS Strategic Plan. Priority areas are set by the ECS Board of Education, and Mental Health and Social-Emotional Wellness falls under Priority Area 3. 

    “I think the Board has said loud and clear they support the expansion of these,” said ECS Trustee Area 1 Board Member, Lisa Ollivier. “The opportunities are endless for students to come in and reregulate, reconnect, calm down, and to seek out services. This is what the students have needed and I hope it gets that continuous use that they have been crying out for. This is going to help with morale, students feeling empowered, students feeling valued, and them knowing - people heard that they needed help and that they wanted help. So this is so important.”

    “Eureka City Schools allows for students' voices to be heard and the Wellness Center is a direct reflection of responding to students' needs and requests,” said ECS Wellness Counselor and Coordinator, Sarahdee Duncan.

    The EHS S.A.G.E (Student Advocates Guiding Engagement) and EHS youth/student leadership team completed Phase 1, December 2022 - creating a space of ‘calm’ - through student feedback groups, visioning, and creating the space. Students have been able to access the calm space for the past few months and are seeing the benefits of having a safe environment they can retreat to when feeling stressed or overwhelmed.

    The EHS Wellness Center is currently in Phases 2 and 3, which are to analyze data and feedback then use that information to improve and expand services for students. Services can include individual and group therapy, peer support, self-directed services, and access to community mental health providers. Services already being provided include 1:1 therapy with Open Door Community Health Centers and a Pepperdine Clinical Student, as well as several rounds of successful group therapy provided by interns from Cal Poly Humboldt Social Work programs.

    The Wellness Center’s vision is to create a support system that allows school to be a place of healing while lifting up the essential values of connection and relationships. The ECS qualified staff, calm space, access to resources and therapy are designed to realize this vision. 

    “I’ve seen the Wellness Center provide our students with the needed space and support to reset so that they can return to class and get back to learning. Schools can be places of healing and I think with programs like this, we can make them places of healing,” said Duncan.

    The Wellness Center ribbon cutting was celebrated by ECS and Wellness Center Staff with special guests ECS Board Member Lisa Ollivier, ECS Superintendent Fred Van Vleck, EHS Principal Rob Standish, Ambassadors, Board Members and Staff from the Greater Eureka Chamber of Commerce, partners from Open Door Community Health, and City of Eureka Mayor Kim Bergel. 

    Read More About Eureka City Schools Addresses Youth Mental Health Priorities with New Wellness Center
    May 8-12, 2023 is Teacher Appreciation Week

    May 8, 2023 - Eureka, CA -  May 8-12, 2023 is Teacher Appreciation Week. This week Eureka City Schools wants to honor our teachers and express how much they mean to the District, our youth, and our community. We are kicking-off the week with a teacher appreciation video featuring some wonderful Eureka City Schools students!

    Read More About May 8-12, 2023 is Teacher Appreciation Week
    Eureka High School FFA Students Show Outstanding Public Speaking and Parliamentary Law Knowledge at 2023 FFA Leadership Development Event

    EHS FFA Parliamentary Procedure Team

    April 28, 2023, Eureka, CA -  Eureka High School FFA recently competed and showed off their outstanding public speaking skills and parliamentary law knowledge at the California FFA Leadership Development Event (LDE) April 20-21, 2023.
    Out of 29,000 FFA freshmen in California, Eureka High School Freshman Jake Van Reusen placed third in the FFA Creed Speaking contest.
    Junior, Whilder Kijsriopas competed in Extemporaneous Public Speaking and did extremely well while the EHS Parliamentary Procedure or Debate Team was in the top 22 in the state.
    The FFA Creed outlines the organization’s values and beliefs regarding the industry of agriculture, FFA membership, and citizenship and patriotism. Students participating in the Creed Speaking LDE learn to communicate in a powerful, organized and professional manner and build self-confidence.
    Van Reusen says, "As being a Creed speaker, I am asked to step out of my comfort zone, compete at something I am new to, and to do my very best, but I am encouraged, motivated, and inspired.”
    Van Reusen adds that he’s been presented with many opportunities through FFA and agriculture and he hopes to inspire incoming freshmen and all students with the message “If I can do it, you can do it.” Go out there and “Exert an influence in your home and community which will stand solid for your part in that inspiring task” (E.M. Tiffany FFA Creed Paragraph 5).
    Students participating in the Extemporaneous Public Speaking LDE showcase their agricultural knowledge and ability to think on their feet by giving a speech and answering questions with limited prep time.

    Whilder Kijsriopas says, “Being in Extemporaneous Public Speaking has helped me to become more confident in presenting and advocating for agriculture. I enjoy it because I get to learn about new topics and get to justify my presentation to a panel of judges. Traveling across the state to compete has been so much fun and I loved visiting college campuses and meeting new people.”
    Students participating in the Parliamentary Procedure LDE are evaluated on their ability to conduct an orderly and efficient meeting using parliamentary procedure. Participants are judged on their knowledge of parliamentary law and their ability to present logical, realistic and convincing debate and motions.

    The FFA team practiced for this performance for months ahead of the competition, participated in several contests, and had to place in the top four at the section and region contests in order to compete at the state level.

    EHS Agriculture Teacher and FFA Advisor, Alissa Sarvinski says, “These speaking competitions create skills that students will take with them into any career of their choosing.  The skills obtained will be with them for life.”

    Eureka High School FFA participates in a multitude of competitions, conferences, and state-recognized events and career development event competitions.  They are looking forward to their last contest at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo in Milk Quality Judging, Veterinary Science, Livestock Judging, Farm Power and Best Informed Greenhand.

    To learn more about the Eureka High Agriculture Department and all the wonderful programs they offer CLICK HERE to visit their website.

    Jake Van Reusen

    Press Contact:
    Sierra Speer Dillon
    Communications and Marketing Coordinator
    Eureka City Schools
    [email protected]
    Tel: 707-441-3373

    Read More About Eureka High School FFA Students Show Outstanding Public Speaking and Parliamentary Law Knowledge at 2023 FFA Leadership Development Event
    Eureka City Schools Board of Education meeting recap for April 26, 2023

    April 28, 2023 - Eureka, CA - The following is an overview of the Eureka City Schools Board of Education regular public meeting from Wednesday, April 26, 2023.

    Students Jyda Hang, Anisha Rechelluul, and Linh Nguyen from Eureka High School’s Advancement Via Independent Determination (AVID) program, recited the Pledge of Allegiance and gave a presentation on how AVID helped prepare them for college eligibility and success.

    All items on the consent calendar were approved. Action items were as follows:

    Approved: Consideration of Stipulated Student Expulsion (EC Sec 48915.1 and ECSD Policy 5119). [Student #22-23-000; Resolution #22-23-024].

    Approved: Board's Nomination of Lisa Ollivier for the 2023 CSBA Delegate Assembly Run-off Elections.

    Approved: Final Action on Resolution and Decision Not to Reemploy Classified Employees for the 2023-2024 School Year.

    Approved: Certification of the 2021-2022 Audit Findings Corrective Plans and Recommendations

    Adopted: Resolution #22-23-022: Adoption by the Board of Trustees of Eureka City Schools of Intent to Establish a Charter School on the Lincoln Campus and Relocate Zoe Barnum Students to the Marshall Campus.

    Presentations, reports, and discussions are solely meant to inform/update the Board and gain feedback, they were as follows:

    Adult Education Report, Visual and Performing Arts Report, 2023-24 Elementary English Language Arts Report, Local Control Accountability Plan Update, and Report on the Four Domains CALL Survey Results, 2022-2023.

    Click on any of the links below to see Board related recap videos. 

    April 26, 2023 ECS Board Meeting Recap

    March 30, 2023 ECS Board Meeting Recap

    March 9, 2023 ECS Board Meeting Recap

    ECS Board of Education 2023-2024 Strategic Plan

    All Board items and attachments can be obtained via the following link:

    More information on the Board of Education can be found at: 

    The next ECS Board of Education meeting will be:

    Thursday, May 11, 2023
    Eureka City Schools
    2100 J Street, Eureka, CA 95501
    Frances H. Taplin Board Room
    All Meetings Begin at 6:30 p.m.

    Press Contact:
    Sierra Speer Dillon
    Communications and Marketing Coordinator
    Eureka City Schools
    [email protected]
    Tel: 707-441-3373

    Read More About Eureka City Schools Board of Education meeting recap for April 26, 2023
    Eureka High’s Adapted P.E. Class Competes in Special Olympics Basketball Tournament

    April 5, 2023 - Eureka, CA - Inclusion is the practice of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for people who might otherwise be excluded, and inclusion is what Eureka High School’s Adapted Physical Education and Special Olympics program is all about. 

    Melaina Valdez is a general and adapted P.E. teacher at Eureka High and also the coach of the EHS Special Olympics basketball team. She says, “Adapted P.E. is strictly for kids with disabilities that wouldn't otherwise be able to join a general physical education class. They still need that physical activity and knowledge about physical education, so we provide them a separate setting where they have like peers and they go through the same units that regular general education would go through but with more support.”

    Students in Adapted P.E. at Eureka High along with a few students from special day classes or life skills classes also have the opportunity to participate on a competition basketball team for the local Special Olympics. Over the past few weeks, the Loggers have played in games against neighboring high school teams the Arcata Tigers, Fortuna Huskies, and McKinleyville Panthers, and most recently they all went head-to-head for a final tournament held at the Jay Willard Gymnasium on March 31st. 

    “They are determined to keep up with their schoolwork, to be nice to others, to put in their full effort every day and I see it in my gym class and I for sure saw it on the court in the tournament. They did so well and I think they're just very dedicated, determined kids,” said Valdez. 

    The Loggers won the first game in the tournament against the Arcata Tigers; and while everyone played their best, tournament highlights came from EHS Adapted P.E. athletes Jaycile Satterwhite, Owen Laramore, and David Welch. 

    Welch says, “We like doing everything together and having fun, so we feel really excited to get to go to the finals.” 

    EHS teachers, staff, students, and cheerleaders were there to show support for the team while embracing the importance of school spirit and logger pride for all student activities. Plus, there was a big community turnout.

    “I love this because our kids get the opportunity to showcase their skills which they have plenty of, the school came out to support them, and it's just a great opportunity for them to feel accepted, loved, appreciated and to showcase how awesome they are,” said Eureka Mayor, Kim Bergel. 

    The Loggers took home second place in the final game against McKinleyville 21 to 23. But when it was all said and done, everyone had a smile on their face, and it was inclusion and good sportsmanship that reigned supreme. 

    Valdez expressed her gratitude for everyone that attended and to the athletes that participated on all teams. She added, “It truly has made the highlight of my year, it's been phenomenal, and I can't wait for next year to put on this awesome event again.”

    Eureka City Schools is proud to support Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI), and Belonging (DEIB). We are continually working to enhance and improve DEIB programs, resources, and opportunities. In an effort to understand where the District currently stands regarding DEIB and gain insight for paths of improvement, ECS recently embarked on a self-prescribed external audit of our work in DEIB. The goals of this study were to assess student access to high-quality programs, high-quality teaching, discipline procedures, equitable resources, and root cause analysis of persistent achievement gaps for students of color and other historically marginalized groups.

    In early 2022 the ECS Board of Education approved and awarded the DEI audit to Prismatic Services. In February 2023 ECS received the DEI audit and in March it was presented to the Board. Next steps are to establish a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) Advisory Committee.

    You can find the DEI report (which includes the audit and a presentation) in the ECS March 9, 2023 Board Packet HERE: Report on the Eureka City Schools Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Audit

    To see tournament highlights and interviews, make sure to check out the FULL VIDEO STORY HERE: (VIDEO) Inclusion In Class & On the Court: Eureka High’s Adapted PE class competes in Special Olympics Basketball Tournament 

    PREVIOUSLY AT EUREKA HIGH: (VIDEO) Excitement & Progress - Eureka High New Gymnasium 2023

    Make sure to subscribe to the Eureka City Schools YouTube page and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date with all District news. 

    Press Contact:
    Sierra Speer Dillon
    Communications and Marketing Coordinator
    Eureka City Schools
    [email protected]
    Tel: 707-441-3373

    Read More About Eureka High’s Adapted P.E. Class Competes in Special Olympics Basketball Tournament
    ECS Seeking Input for Transportation Services Plan

    March 21, 2023 – Eureka, CA - Eureka City Schools is in the process of developing its Transportation Services Plan and values your input.

    How can you participate?

    Thursday, March 30, 2023
    Meeting starts promptly at 6:30 pm 

    District Office
    2100 J Street, Eureka, CA 95501
    Frances H. Taplin Board Room

    Passcode: 939488
    Zoom will open at 6:00 pm
    Attendees wishing to speak with the Board will need to virtually raise their hand and wait to be called on.

    SEND AN EMAIL TO: [email protected]
    As a condition of receiving revenue under California Education Code Section 41850.1, Eureka City Schools is required to develop a Transportation Services Plan that describes the transportation services it will offer to its students, and how it will prioritize services for pupils who are low income, as well as those that are in transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, and any of grades 1 through 6. The plan is scheduled to be reviewed and adopted at the March 30, 2023, Board meeting.

    Let's make school transportation work for everyone. We look forward to hearing from you.  


    Thursday, March 16, 2023
    6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
    2100 J Street, Eureka, CA 95501
    Conference Room 114


    21 de Marzo de 2023 - Eureka, CA - Llevar a los estudiantes a la escuela de manera segura es una prioridad. Estamos actualizando el ECS plan de transporte y valoramos su opinión.

    ¿Cómo puedes participar?

    Jueves, 16 de Marzo de 2023
    La reunión comienza a las 6:30 pm

    2100 Calle J, Eureka, CA 95501
    Sala de juntas de Frances H.Taplin

    Contraseña: 939488
    ENVÍE UN CORREO ELECTRÓNICOS: [email protected]
    Hagamos que el transporte escolar funcione para todos. ¡Gracias!

    Read More About ECS Seeking Input for Transportation Services Plan
    Excitement & Progress: Eureka High School’s New Gym Nears Completion
    March 29, 2023 - Eureka, CA - It’s been a long time coming but the highly anticipated 40,000 sq. ft. brand-new Eureka High School gymnasium is cruising at a steady pace toward an estimated midsummer 2023 completion date.

    “Think about the phenomenon of a brand new facility, it’s going to have a shine on the floor and on the walls and our students are going to get to take advantage of the most beautiful athletic facility in all of Northern California,” said Omar Khattab, Eureka High School Assistant Principal and Athletic Director.

    The facade has developed its character, the restrooms and locker rooms are complete, the main court floor is almost finished being laid, and the flag poles just went up! It’s these weekly developments that have staff and students beaming with excitement and envisioning what this new gym will bring when they finally get to step on the court.

    Elijah Griffin is an EHS Junior and a member of the wrestling team. He says, “I think you're a product of your environment and I think having good facilities will facilitate good practices, good energy, and lead to good performance in games.”

    “I feel like playing in the old gym there's a bunch of memories and everyone's played there, but now having a new gym I’m excited because we get to create those first memories and it will be super cool to experience that,” said EHS Sophomore and girls basketball player, Mallorie Beauchamp.

    Once complete the new facility will have a regulation basketball and volleyball competition court with retractable seating for more than 1,200 spectators. 

    “I'm hoping for the atmosphere to be really good with the fans,” said Maia Hales, EHS Junior and girls basketball player. “I think the community will come together just even for the opening day or the first game that's played in here, which is really exciting and I think it will boost our confidence a lot.”

    When it’s sports practice or physical education class time, the bleachers can be retracted and a mid-court curtain can roll down creating two full-size basketball courts. Plus there’s the auxiliary gym which will serve as the wrestling room, with the flexibility to be utilized as an additional court along with many other uses for physical activities.

    “What we’re really excited about are the differences between this gym and the existing gym that we have right now. One of the things that's always been a challenge is practice in the wintertime for basketball teams. When we field up to six different teams - between the girls and the boys basketball teams - practice time and court time becomes prime. So what happens is, a lot of the students get pushed out into the late evenings or the very early mornings. Now with the flexibility of this new gymnasium we can actually have three full basketball courts inside of the gym, to have that practice and to really condense that amount of practice time, to get students home with their families. That's going to be a huge benefit as we start to use this gym,” said Eureka City Schools Superintendent, Fred Van Vleck.

    There’s a dedicated weight room - which every athlete dreams of, student locker rooms - each with showers and restrooms, coaches' offices, a training room, and storage for athletic equipment.

    “It will serve both our students and our athletes in that regard, as well as an opportunity for the rest of the community to use the gymnasium,” said Paul Ziegler, Assistant Superintendent Business Services. “We were very mindful of that when we were bringing this together that it's not just our own use but we'll be able to serve other youth throughout the community as well”

    Khattab adds, “The community here has a lot of youth leagues and a lot of youth sports that are really a pipeline into our school. So having kids actually become familiar with our brand new facility is going to really lend to the pride that those students are going to have when they step foot on the campus to be high school students.”

    This new gym will not only benefit students, the community and its generations to come but it serves as a testament to our community’s commitment to wanting the best for our youth; Including but not limited to input and direction for the gym’s design and the passing of Measure S, the $49.75 million bond that paved the way to make this project possible. 

    Van Vleck says, “This is what we built with a good portion of those dollars and so this is something the community can be proud of, something the school can be proud of, and certainly build that Logger pride amongst our students.”

    That’s not all, The foyer for the gym is large enough to accommodate up to 240 people, complete with a concession stand to support booster club fundraising. 

    Logger alumni might be excited about these nostalgic additions. When you walk in the new gym foyer the original wood ‘E’ from the Jay Willard Gym will be the floor centerpiece, and that legendary Logger statue will make his way from the former gym to stand tall in the foyer as well. So get ready Eureka because the new Jay Willard Gymnasium will very soon be opening its doors to welcome you! 

    The overall Jay Willard Gymnasium project will be constructed in four phases and the completion of the new gym is just phase one. The following phases will be abatement of hazardous materials from the current facility, demolition of the current gymnasium, and last construction of a new parking lot.

    You can see the full video story complete with current facility footage and a construction timelapse which spans from June 2021 to March 2023 here: Excitement & Progress - Eureka High New Gymnasium 2023

    Make sure to subscribe to the Eureka City Schools YouTube page and follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay up-to-date with all District news. 


    Press Contact:
    Sierra Speer Dillon
    Communications and Marketing Coordinator
    Eureka City Schools
    [email protected]
    Tel: 707-441-3373
    Read More About Excitement & Progress: Eureka High School’s New Gym Nears Completion
    FFA Officers represent Eureka High at the California State FFA Leadership Conference
    March 24, 2023 - Eureka, CA - FFA Officers represent Eureka High School at the California State FFA Leadership Conference in Ontario, CA. 

    More than 7,000 high school students, advisors and guests attend this annual event which is the largest statewide Career Technical Student Organization (CTSO) conference in California.

    EHS Agriculture Teacher and FFA Advisor, Alissa Sarvinski says “Attending this event with students is one of the favorite parts of my job. I love to see students discovering options for their future, setting goals and making friends that will last a lifetime.” 

    The event attracts young agricultural leaders from 356 chapters throughout the state and encourages students to develop personal and team leadership skills, discover agricultural careers, establish lasting friendships and strive for success. 

    Ava Jones, Eureka FFA Junior says a great part is, “Getting to meet FFA members from all over the state that we know we can rely on for future years.”

    Highlights of the students’ trip were meeting other youth with an interest in agriculture while participating in leadership workshops, the college & career fair, and delegate sessions.

    Eureka FFA Senior, Noelani Westbrook-Hubbart was recently accepted to Chico State to major in Agriculture Education and made a recap video of the memorable event. She says, “I love having a home away from home with so many people who have the same values as me. I feel like I learned so much.”

    Eureka FFA is in the middle of their Career Development Events season with students competing in public speaking, parliamentary procedure, dairy products judging, veterinary science judging, best informed greenhand, livestock judging and the farm power contest. Next up is State FFA speaking finals and the Fresno State Field Day.  

    Plus, Charli Roberts and Whilder Kijsriopas were recently selected to be next year’s North Coast Region FFA Vice Presidents and Lily Williamson will become the North Coast Region FFA President! 

    To learn more about the Eureka High Agriculture Department and all the wonderful programs they offer CLICK HERE to visit their website. 

    Press Contact:

    Sierra Speer Dillon
    Communications and Marketing Coordinator
    Eureka City Schools
    [email protected]
    Tel: 707-441-3373
    Read More About FFA Officers represent Eureka High at the California State FFA Leadership Conference
    ECS Board of Education prioritizes the 2023-2024 Strategic Plan Priority Areas

    March 22, 2023 - Eureka, CA - The Eureka City Schools Board of Education has prioritized the 2023-2024 Strategic Plan Priority Areas following a comprehensive study session on March 14, 2023.

    “This plan is the most important thing we do as board members, that's what we’re elected to do,” said Susan Johnson, Trustee Area 4 & Board Clerk. “We’re elected to create the visions and plan for what happens in the school district, its function, and what our priorities are going to be.“

    The Strategic Plan has four primary purposes. First, the Plan defines the District’s vision, mission, and goals. Second, the Plan details how the District will achieve those goals. Third, the Plan serves as the common tool for managing changing priorities, as indicated by the order of the Priority Areas. Last, The Strategic Plan provides a basis for developing the Local Control Accountability Plan known as LCAP.

    “We created the strategic plan and each time we have a new board member and our board makeup changes, we look at it again because we want to hear the input from the new board members and see if they'd like to see a different direction with our plan,” added Johnson.  

    Mike Duncan, Trustee Area 2 & Board President says, “Prioritizing our strategic goals are so important because if we don't, we don’t know where to put our financial monies toward. So we need to make sure that the finances are in line with what our goals are to make sure that all the plans we have can move forward.”

    The Board diligently worked through a challenging step-by-step process which involved in-depth discussions, fact-checking, advocating for the advancement of certain areas, and ultimately negotiating. Walt Hanline, Executive Director of the National Center for Executive leadership and school board development, presented virtually to the Board and helped facilitate the prioritization process. 

    “It's difficult when you have to prioritize all of these things,” said Johnson. “They're all things that we are going to do and what we need to do to make sure we’re doing the best for our kids, but some areas we’re going to spend extra money on - to try and bolster those areas.”

    There are 19 Strategic Plan Priority Areas. The biggest changes from the 2022-2023 list are:

    Priority Area 3: Mental Health, Social-Emotional Wellness, and Family Engagement. This area was already separated into 3A (Mental Health & Social-Emotional Wellness) and 3B (Family Engagement) and the overall objectives were independent of one another. Based on that information the Board decided family engagement should be its own priority area. 

    Student Decision Making made its way from Priority Area 18 up to Priority Area 3 and was combined with Mental Health & Social-Emotional Wellness. The Student Decision Making area includes a focus on PBIS, which is Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) - an evidence-based, tiered framework for supporting students' behavioral, academic, social, emotional, and mental health. The Board determined those priority areas might be more effective together. 

    Human Resources went from the #7 spot to #5, while New and Modernized Facilities jumped from #19 to #11. When priority areas advance in the overall order the areas following are moved down. 

    Board members say they felt the prioritization process was well executed and overall they’re comfortable and confident with the decisions that were made.

    “I think it went amazing,” said Duncan. “I think we had a great conversation. The new board members are very aware and brought new ideas to the table and I think it changed my mind on some things and gave more power to things we weren't looking at in the past.”

    “We all did a really good job of respecting each other and each other's ideas for what's best for the District,” said Johnson. “I think we came up with a really good plan that we can all agree to and move forward with.”

    The ECS Strategic Plan is adopted annually by the Board of Education and that is when the new 2023-2024 Priority Areas will take effect.

    The Board prioritized the 2023-2024 Strategic Plan Priority Areas as follows:

    1. English
    2. Math
    3. Mental Health & Social-Emotional Wellness & Student Decision Making
    4. Science
    5. Human Resources
    6. Social Science
    7. Career and Technical Education
    8. Visual and Performing Arts
    9. Physical Education
    10. Modern Language
    11. New and Modernized Facilities
    12. Clean, Safe, Functional, Attractive Classrooms, Facilities, and Grounds
    13. Physical Health
    14. Technology and Equipment
    15. Extracurricular Activities 
    16. Alternative & Optional Programming
    17. Community Outreach
    18. Family Engagement
    19. Student Transitions

    See the full video story on the ECS YouTube Channel:

    Press Contact:
    Sierra Speer Dillon
    Communications and Marketing Coordinator
    Eureka City Schools
    [email protected]
    Tel: 707-441-3373

    Read More About ECS Board of Education prioritizes the 2023-2024 Strategic Plan Priority Areas
    ECS Seeking Input for Transportation Services Plan
    March 13, 2023 – Eureka, CA - Eureka City Schools is in the process of developing its Transportation Services Plan and values your input.

    How can you participate?

    Thursday, March 16, 2023
    6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
    2100 J Street, Eureka, CA 95501
    Conference Room 114


    [email protected]

    As a condition of receiving revenue under California Education Code Section 41850.1, Eureka City Schools is required to develop a Transportation Services Plan that describes the transportation services it will offer to its students, and how it will prioritize services for pupils who are low income, as well as those that are in transitional kindergarten, kindergarten, and any of grades 1 through 6. The plan is scheduled to be reviewed and adopted at the March 30, 2023, Board meeting.

    Let's make school transportation work for everyone. We look forward to hearing from you.  


    13 de Marzo de 2023 - Eureka, CA - Llevar a los estudiantes a la escuela de manera segura es una prioridad. Estamos actualizando el ECS plan de transporte y valoramos su opinión.

    Queremos Escuchar De Usted.

    Jueves, 16 de Marzo de 2023
    6:00 pm - 7:00 pm 
    2100 Calle J, Eureka, CA 95501
    Sala de conferencia 114 

    [email protected]
    Hagamos que el transporte escolar funcione para todos. ¡Gracias!
    Read More About ECS Seeking Input for Transportation Services Plan
    Eureka City Schools Names Sierra Speer Dillon Communications & Marketing Coordinator
    March 9, 2023 - Eureka, CA - After an in-depth selection process, Eureka City Schools is pleased to announce Sierra Speer Dillon as the District’s new Communications and Marketing Coordinator.

    In this new position, Speer Dillon will focus on providing leadership and direction for public and media relations, marketing programs, community engagement, internal and external communications, and tell the story of learning in Eureka City Schools. She will be responsible for the development and production of marketing and media materials, creative content for social and digital media, video and audio productions, managing the District’s online presence, and a variety of other communication tools that align with the Board and Superintendent's priorities.

    “We have a vision of the future for Eureka City Schools and we want to share all of our amazing projects and accomplishments, but we knew we needed someone with expertise to help tell our story and capture all of these unique moments in time,” says Superintendent Fred Van Vleck. “After seeing Sierra Speer Dillon’s work throughout the years, learning more about her experience, and hearing her ideas and enthusiasm for this role, we felt confident she was the right selection.” 

    Through her local positions as a multimedia journalist covering a vast array of stories at Redwood News and the Lost Coast Outpost, to developing innovative marketing campaigns that supported the business community at the Greater Eureka Chamber of Commerce, enhancing environmental awareness outreach and programming with the City of Eureka, and leading community service projects with Eureka’s Youth Council, Speer Dillon has shown that she’s not only versatile, but has continually worked toward the betterment of our community since moving here in 2015.

    Speer Dillon says, “I believe my first hand experience in media, business, and government, while working with elected officials, community organizations, local youth, and the public has provided me with the well-rounded ability to build trust with, approach, communicate, recognize and respect people with diverse needs and agendas. An ability that will be vital in the success of fulfilling this role and helping to build a culture where all students can reach their full potential.”

    Speer Dillon will be working closely with all ECS sites to ensure each school, department, and/or program is given equal opportunity to feel included, be recognized, and have the spotlight. She’ll be visiting sites throughout the year to gather information, film, photograph, and conduct interviews which will be used to curate content for the District’s press releases, website, social and digital media platforms, and various publications.

    “I have always been passionate about human-interest stories, giving a voice to those who deserve to be heard, and shining light on the people who aim to make our community and world a better place,” says Speer Dillon. “Now I take such pride to be in the position of telling the story of Eureka City Schools; stories of the staff who have dedicated their lives to improving our community, the students who have big dreams for bright futures, the families that tirelessly advocate for their children, and to share all the amazing projects, initiatives, and milestones that happen within the District.”

    Speer Dillon holds a B.A. in Broadcast Journalism from the University of Texas at Arlington and recently became a member of the California School Public Relations Association. 

    We would like you to join us in welcoming Sierra Speer Dillon to the Eureka City Schools family. 
    Read More About Eureka City Schools Names Sierra Speer Dillon Communications & Marketing Coordinator
    School Safety & Security Update
    February 10, 2023 - Eureka, CA – Schools should be an environment where students and staff feel cared for, safe, and secure.  In a recent update to the Governing Board, Gary Storts, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, provided an update on school safety and security efforts within Eureka City Schools (ECS).   Below is a recap of recent safety efforts, including current and future goals. 

    Threat Assessment Training - In June, ECS sent 24 staff members to an FBI-led Behavioral Threat Assessment training.  This 16-hour in-person training provided fundamental information on targeted violence and prevention strategies.  The training benefits students and staff at ECS by helping staff recognize behaviors and indicators of individuals on the path to violence.  Attendees also learned how to apply key concepts in threat assessment, learn how to develop individualized threat management plans, and how to build and implement multi-disciplinary threat assessment and threat management teams.  

    Safety and Security Coordinator Hired - This year, ECS hired a District Safety and Security Coordinator, Scott Mauroff, to review current processes and reinforce practices.  Mauroff previously served as the Gang Risk Intervention Program (GRIP) Coordinator at Eureka High School and as the Attendance Outreach Program Coordinator District-wide, for a total of 13 years of experience working within ECS.  In discussing school safety, Mauroff notes, “School safety is a priority at Eureka City Schools. Creating a safe atmosphere for students and staff is an important and foundational component for educational success.” 

    Fire, Earthquake, and Lockdown Drills Completed - Since the beginning of the 2022-2023 school year, staff have conducted 29 fire drills, 11 earthquake drills, and 7 lockdown drills.  During these drills, proper practices are reinforced, and concerns are addressed and fixed.  The District is planning two additional active assailant pieces of training, which will take place later this year. 

    Safety and Security Site Assessments - In October, during a non-school day, Eureka City Schools conducted campus safety and security walkthroughs on each school campus.  Agencies involved in this all-day event include Eureka Police Department, Humboldt County Sheriff’s Department, California Highway Patrol, Keenan Insurance, and Humboldt Bay Fire.  “This is the first time a district in this area has had this extend of collaboration with emergency services,” noted Taylin Titus, Executive Director of Insurance Services, through the Humboldt County Office of Education.

    Emergency Supplies in Every Classroom - District staff has worked diligently to purchase and assemble supplies for emergency buckets and grab-and-go bags, which will be placed in each classroom at all nine-school sites and several locations within the District Office.  The emergency buckets contain drinking water, a tarp, a radio/charger, a phone charger, glow sticks, trash bags, gloves, duct tape, batteries, toilet paper, wet wipes, hand sanitizer, etc.  The grab-and-go bags contain a first aid kit, safety apparel, a whistle, a copy of the emergency procedures, and class-specific items.  In December, students from the Associated Student Body (ASB) Club at Eureka High School helped assemble the emergency buckets before distribution at the sites.  Completed buckets were delivered to ECS sites in early-February 2023. 
    School Resource Officers - ECS currently has two School Resource Officers (SRO) who provide support to nine school sites.  “Our objective is to bridge the gap between community members and police and to show a more caring, positive, and sincere side of law enforcement.  We are looking forward to collaborating with the ECS community and supporting our students,” notes Officer Marsolan.  Officer Marsolan has served as an SRO for seven years and this is Officer Arminio’s first year as an SRO.  Eureka Police Department Officer Tim Marsolan and Officer Don Arminio bring a combined 33 years of law enforcement experience to ECS campuses.

    Future Plans - In terms of plans, ECS will soon introduce the Say Something Program from the Sandy Hook Promise, which teaches middle and high school students about different types of warning signs/threats and how to spot them (especially on social media) while also providing an anonymous reporting platform.  In addition, ECS staff now have identification badges, including a photo.  Campus visitors will also notice new campus signage and visitor check-in procedures, as a continued effort to keep students and staff safe.   All sites have updated their Comprehensive Site Safety Plans (CSSP) and Emergency Operating Procedures (EOP), all of which go through a thorough review process by District staff and outside agencies.   

    Press Contact:
    Micalyn Harris, Executive Assistant
    [email protected]
    Tel: 707-441-2414
    Read More About School Safety & Security Update
    Eureka High School Volunteer Coach Arrested by the Arcata Police Department

    EUREKA, CA – February 1, 2023 – Eureka City Schools (ECS) is aware of the arrest of Thomas Harlan Gowing.  Gowing was a former coach and volunteer for wrestling at Eureka High School (EHS).  Gowing has not worked in a paid or volunteer capacity in ECS since June 2022.  

    ECS supports the investigation with the Arcata Police Department, as student safety is the District’s top priority.  

    “The safety and wellbeing of our students is paramount,” said Rob Standish, EHS Principal. “Any EHS student who may be directly or indirectly impacted by this incident is encouraged to contact the EHS Counseling Office at 707-441-0262 for support.”  

    Inappropriate relationships between minors and adults will not be tolerated.  ECS supports the efforts of law enforcement to prosecute this individual to the fullest extent of the law. 

    Anyone with information about this case or related criminal activity is encouraged to call the Arcata Police Department at 707-822-2428.  All further inquiries should be directed to the Arcata Police Department. 

    Press Contact:
    Arcata Police Department 
    736 F Street 
    Arcata, CA 95521
    Tel: (707) 822-2428
    Read More About Eureka High School Volunteer Coach Arrested by the Arcata Police Department
    Special Edition of Annual Update to the Community

    January 31, 2023 - Eureka, CA Eureka City Schools has now published its 7th Annual Update to the Community! As you review the Annual Update, enjoy a recap of efforts relating to all 19 Priority Areas including updates on fiscal integrity, community schools, Next Generation Science Standards, increases in staffing, universal meals for students, school safety and security, and more! This Special Edition of the Annual Update focuses on efforts relating to the District's Strategic Plan Priority Areas, including the following:  

    • Priority Area 1: English | Students will develop reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills that are the foundation for creative and purposeful expression in language.

    • Priority Area 2: Math | Students will develop the three major principles of Mathematics - focus, coherence, and rigor - to allow for conceptual understanding, procedural skill and fluency, and the ability to apply mathematics to solve problems.

    • Priority Area 3: Mental Health, Social-Emotional Wellness, and Family Engagement | Students will develop a full realization of their mental and social-emotional potential, demonstrated by healthy wellness attitudes, behaviors, and supported by consistent curriculum and instructional practices.  The District and school sites will develop and promote family participation, input, and involvement opportunities. 

    • Priority Area 4: Science | Students will develop a three-dimensional vision of science education, knowing core science and engineering ideas, thinking like scientists and engineers, and applying science and engineering principles.

    • Priority Area 5: Social Science | Students will develop four key areas of emphasis - content, inquiry, literacy, and citizenship - by investigating the “how” and “why” of historical developments.  

    • Priority Area 6: Modern Languages | Students will develop communicative cultural proficiency and literacy skills, providing them the ability to communicate and collaborate on a wide variety of topics in culturally appropriate ways in multiple target-culture settings.

    • Priority Area 7: Human Resources | The District will attract and develop high-quality professionals focused on student success.

    • Priority Area 8: Career and Technical Education | Students will develop fundamental knowledge and skills to prepare for the transition to postsecondary education, career training, or the workforce by following a multiyear sequence of courses (pathways) integrating core academic knowledge with technical and occupational skills. 

    • Priority Area 9: Visual and Performing Arts | Students will develop artistic literacy in the four arts disciplines - dance, music, theatre, and visual arts - developing transferable skills that enhance personal, academic, and professional endeavors. 

    • Priority Area 10: Physical Education | Students will develop the skills and knowledge to be physically fit and active, providing confidence and positive attitudes necessary to participate in physical activities. 

    • Priority Area 11: Extracurricular Activities | Students will develop a connectedness to their schools by participating in activities falling outside the realm of the normal school curriculum (e.g., athletic teams, clubs, and leadership involvement).

    • Priority Area 12: Student Transitions | Students will successfully move from one stage in the educational process to the next.  Typical transition stages are Home to Preschool, Preschool to Transitional Kindergarten/Kindergarten, Elementary School to Middle School, Middle School to High School, and High School to College and/or Careers.

    • Priority Area 13: Physical Health | Students will develop overall good physical health which plays an important role in student growth and development (e.g., nutrition and diet, alcohol and drug abstinence, medical self-care, rest and sleep routines, and appropriate health screenings).

    • Priority Area 14: Clean, Safe, Functional, Attractive Classrooms, Facilities, and Grounds | Students and staff will learn in clean, safe, functional, and attractive classrooms, facilities, and grounds, maintained in good repair.

    • Priority Area 15: Technology and Equipment | The District will develop systems to maximize federal, state, and local resources to provide new and modernized technology and equipment to address the needs of the students and staff, in the most efficient and effective manner possible (e.g., new or modernized hardware, software, transportation vehicles, tractors, and copiers).

    • Priority Area 16: Alternative and Optional Programs | Students will be provided options and access to programs beyond the core comprehensive school offerings, which are designed to offer alternatives to students and families (e.g., preschool, adult education, summer school, and before/after school programs).

    • Priority Area 17: Community Outreach | The District and school sites will develop community outreach and involvement strategies to support identified priorities (e.g., governmental partnerships, grant development, political action committees, District educational foundations, and community-sponsored clubs and activities).

    • Priority Area 18: Student Decision Making | Students will develop decision-making skills resulting in safe, respectful, and responsible actions (e.g., setting goals, gathering information, assessing/selecting the best choice for a desired outcome).

    • Priority Area 19: New and Modernized Facilities | The District will develop strategies to maximize state and local resources to provide new and modernized facilities and improve the appearance and condition of the present facilities.

    A digital copy of the Annual Update is available on the Eureka City Schools Website (   Limited hard copies will be available at the Eureka City Schools District Office (2100 J Street) and school sites in early-February.

    Press Contact:

    Micalyn Harris, Executive Assistant

    [email protected]

    Tel: 707-441-2414

    Read More About Special Edition of Annual Update to the Community
    Eureka City Schools Celebrates Student Success and Honors Nominees for the Every Student Succeeding Award

    January 26, 2023 - Eureka, CA - On January 19, 2023, Eureka City Schools honored eight outstanding students selected as nominees for the Every Student Succeeding Award.  The elementary, middle, and high school sites within Eureka City Schools nominated one exceptional student. The Every Student Succeeding Program honors students who succeed despite difficult circumstances and the educators who support them along the way.

    The following students were recognized during an Awards Ceremony Breakfast at the Ingomar Club on Thursday, January 19, 2023:

    Alice Birney Elementary: Yaretzi Reyes
    Grant Elementary: Kevin Benitez-Davila
    Lafayette Elementary: Emma Schuster
    Washington Elementary: Mathias McNeese
    Winship Middle School: David Russell
    Zane Middle School: Ian Perez
    Zoe Barnum High School: Owen Diaz
    Eureka High School: Saedra Joseph

    These students demonstrate resilience as they face challenges head-on and create bright futures through hard work and dedication.  Eureka City Schools believes every student deserves an equal opportunity to succeed.  Eureka City Schools congratulates each of these students, who are shining examples for all of us!

    Eureka City Schools wishes to thank Paul Thompson of Thompson Builders for sponsoring the event and providing breakfast, John Dalby of Redwood Capital Bank for sponsoring the group at the Ingomar, and Sheriff William Honsal of the Humboldt County Sheriff's Office, for sharing his personal and inspirational story.

    Press Contact:
    Micalyn Harris, Executive Assistant
    [email protected]
    Tel: 707-441-2414

    Read More About Eureka City Schools Celebrates Student Success and Honors Nominees for the Every Student Succeeding Award
    Statement from Eureka City Schools re Academy of the Redwoods January 25, 2023

    Students attending the Academy of the Redwoods ("Academy") benefit from the educational services it provides.  The Academy is one of many high-quality educational options in our region. 

    Eureka City Schools remains supportive of students who have requested this educational choice and have complied with applicable transfer laws and procedures.  Every district in California is required to follow state laws concerning oversight of public educational programs within their district boundaries and student requests to transfer to a school outside of their home school district.  Unfortunately, for a significant number of students attending the Academy, this requirement has not been met. 

    Academy of the Redwoods is undisputedly located within the Eureka City Schools (ECS) district boundaries. Under state law, this obligates ECS to recognize the Academy as a school within its District. ECS has asked to meet with the Fortuna Union High School District so we can collectively address state requirements concerning district boundaries and prevent any interruption of educational services for students attending the Academy. ECS believes this can successfully be accomplished with the cooperation of the Humboldt County Office of Education and partners at the College of the Redwoods.

    ECS is committed to strengthening ongoing partnerships with education institutions in our region so we can collectively meet our required oversight obligations under the law and provide educational services that best prepare all students for successful futures.”

    Press Contact:
    Micalyn Harris, Executive Assistant
    [email protected]
    Tel: 707-441-2414

    Read More About Statement from Eureka City Schools re Academy of the Redwoods January 25, 2023
    JOIN US! Advisory Committee Planning Meeting - February 2023
    Date: Friday, February 10, 2023
    Time: 9:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
    Location: Provided Upon Request  
    Who Should Attend?  Community Partners & Parents

    Eureka City Schools recently received a Community Schools Partnership Program Grant (CCSPP Grant).  One goal of the Community Schools grant is to build community and family partnerships to improve student learning.  The student and parent surveys that were taken during the first trimester at the three community school sites (Alice Birney, Grant, and Lafayette) helped gather information about what kind of school support students and families are in need of or want.  Community Schools work with teachers, students, families and community partners  to improve students and families by providing this support.
    We are excited to be at the next stage of our work – creating an Advisory Council! You are invited to come learn more about Community Schools, especially if you have an interest to serve on the Community Schools Advisory Council.

    If you would like to learn more about Community Schools, and to obtain additional information about the initial meeting and the time commitment for future meetings, please talk to your school principal, or reach out to Ronda Evans, Director of Community Schools at 707-441-2400 ext. 1938  or via email at [email protected].  
    Read More About JOIN US! Advisory Committee Planning Meeting - February 2023

    Students from Alice Birney, Grant, Lafayette, Washington, Winship, and Zane, Join over 18 Million Youth in 115 Countries Participating in the 12th Annual Great Kindness Challenge

    January 19, 2023 - Eureka, CA – The world can use some extra kindness right now and students at Eureka City Schools (ECS) are going to deliver!  The four elementary schools within ECS (Alice Birney, Grant, Lafayette, Washington) and two middle schools (Winship and Zane) are participating in the 12th Annual Great Kindness Challenge the week of January 23 - 27, 2023.

    The Great Kindness Challenge, presented by the global nonprofit Kids for Peace, was launched in 2012 with three schools in Carlsbad, California to address bullying and to foster connection, inclusion, and compassion.  The annual program has multiplied in enrollment each year, having grown to over 18 million students in 36,000+ schools, reaching across all 50 states and 115 countries.

    Sheri Jensen, Climate Coach for ECS, notes, “Spreading kindness throughout our schools and the greater community is our way of encouraging students to be a part of something bigger than themselves.  It shows how important it is to let others know we care."
    Jill McManigal, co-founder and executive director of Kids for Peace, explains, “We are truly grateful for all educators who not only ensure safe school environments but are also committed to creating school cultures that promote equity, community, empathy, and social-emotional wellness. The Great Kindness Challenge provides educators and students the tools, opportunity, and encouragement, to actively create a positive, respectful and inclusive school culture for all.”  

    Schools and students are drawn to the program for its positive and proactive approach to creating kinder school climates through a simple checklist of intentional acts of kindness. The checklist will be distributed to students at the beginning of The Great Kindness Challenge week.  Students will be encouraged to complete each kind act throughout the week, as well as take part in additional community-building events and global service projects.  ECS will amplify the experience by:

    • Promoting acts of kindness on campus and in the community 
    • Learning about kindness in classrooms
    • Promoting kindness through spirit week
    • Hosting a mix-it-up lunch
    • Providing kindness stations for students to promote kindness on their campus

    While the excitement of The Great Kindness Challenge is enormous, it is the simple acts of kindness that prove to be the biggest hit.  Some examples of items on the checklist include: 

    • Smile at 25 people
    • Help your teacher with  a needed task
    • Read a book to a younger student
    • Sit with a new group of kids at lunch

    At the end of the day, every act of kindness – big and small - makes a difference.  We can all help make a positive difference. Let us join together, lift each other up, cheer each other on and do our part to create a kinder Eureka and a more compassionate world.  

    Additional information about The Great Kindness Challenge can be obtained from their website at

    Press Contact:
    Micalyn Harris, Executive Assistant
    [email protected]
    Tel: 707-441-2414


    January 12, 2023 – At the Board meeting on January 12, 2023, the Governing Board will swear in Rebecca Pardoe, the new Trustee representing Area 3.  Pardoe has a child currently attending Eureka High School and two of her children are alumni.  “As a new Board member, I am excited to learn and give back to the community.  My own children have benefited from being students within Eureka City Schools and I will work hard to make sure all voices are heard,” said Pardoe.  Pardoe’s term started in December 2022 and will run through 2026.  

    During the December meeting, the Board also swore in Jessica Rebholtz, Trustee Area 5, who had a provisional appointment in June 2022 and ran for another term.  Rebholtz has two children at an elementary school within Eureka City Schools.  In reflecting on her new term, Rebholtz notes, “I am thankful to be on the Board and help provide children and staff with the tools they need to continue to grow and learn.  As a Latina woman and a mother, I know my contributions are valuable.”  Rebholtz was sworn in for a four year-term through 2026.

    At the Board meeting on December 15, 2022, the Governing Board of Eureka City Schools swore in Lisa Ollivier, Trustee Area 1, for an additional term on the Board, through 2026.  Ollivier has served on the Board since 2013 and has a child who currently attends Eureka High School.  “I love being a part of the Governing Board for Eureka City Schools,” states Ollivier, “I am very excited to serve my third term and continue to impact student learning.  I am particularly proud to be serving with the best certificated and classified staff in the area and assisting them in serving and supporting our students.”  Ollivier ran for Trustee Area 1 unopposed.  

    The Board will also recognize the service of G. Mario Fernandez, the previous Trustee for Area 3, during a Board recognition on January 12, 2023.  Fernandez served on the Board from 2018-2022, and the Board thanks him for volunteering his time, and wishes him the best in all future endeavors, including recently being elected to City Council.  In reflecting on the role of a Board member, Board President Mike Duncan conveyed, “The service of a Board member is a contribution of time, effort, and service, to the students who attend Eureka City Schools and the families and community as a whole.”  

    Press Contact:
    Micalyn Harris, Executive Assistant
    [email protected]
    Tel: 707-441-2414

    January 6, 2023 – The 6.4 earthquake on Tuesday, December 20, 2022, and the 5.4 earthquake on Sunday, January 1, 2023, surprised many, and the recent occurrences have been frightening for our community.  At Eureka City Schools (ECS), many staff members, including maintenance staff, worked tirelessly after both earthquakes to secure the school sites and the District Office.  We are thankful for the hard work of many to help keep students and staff safe and sites secure.  

    While the second earthquake was not as severe, immediately after the first earthquake on December 20, 2022, two crewmembers arrived on-site at 3:30 a.m. to make sure buildings were safe.   As part of the Standard Operation Procedure after an earthquake, ECS staff went room-by-room at school sites and the District Office, checking gas valves and water mains to make sure nothing was leaking.  Rooms were then checked for damage and hazards, i.e. structural damage, falling objects, damage to lights/ceiling tiles, broken windows, etc.  

    Additional members of the ECS maintenance crew arrived at work by 6:00 a.m. and were dispatched to cover areas of concern.   In addition to addressing several other issues, staff set up power generators at the Lincoln Learning Center to pump groundwater out of the building’s basement.  As buildings received daylight, ECS staff again went room-by-room at school sites and the District Office to check heater closet connections for gas lines and exhaust vents.  After that was complete, staff dealt with fire alarm issues, including communication concerns and battery failures, and contacted Advanced Security to address the alarm issues and get on the list for repairs, as needed.

    Throughout the day, Charley Batini, the District’s Director of Maintenance, Facilities, and Operations, communicated with several principals and provided updates about sites.  Batini notes, “This is not a normal occurrence – much like on any bigger project our crew works on, staff rallied where they were needed.  I am thankful our team members were available and willing to do whatever it took to make sure the facilities were safe and secure.”

    At the end of the inspection, the following damage/issues were noted:

    • Minor damage to light lenses in a classroom at Lafayette Elementary;
    • Several heater registers were displaced at the District Office;
    • A sprinkler head was damaged on the construction site for the new gymnasium at Eureka High School, resulting in minor water damage; and
    • Plaster fell from the ceiling in the Eureka High School (EHS) Auditorium, which will require a bid for repairs, as the damage is outside of what the Maintenance Crew can repair internally.  
    • Unfortunately, until further notice, the EHS Auditorium will be closed for repairs and further inspection to make sure the building is safe.  

    Press Contact:
    Micalyn Harris, Executive Assistant
    [email protected]
    Tel: 707-441-2414

    Open Houses - January 2023
    𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐄𝐗𝐏𝐋𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐄𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐤𝐚 𝐂𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐒𝐜𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐬! Open Houses are scheduled in January 2023 and are open to all current and prospective students and families.  If you are interested in visiting a site but are unable to attend an Open House, please contact the site directly to schedule a tour! 

    Registration for new students started December 1, 2022, for all grade levels, and priority registration will continue through January 20, 2023.  However, ECS will continue to register students throughout the year.  

    Registration packets are available at the District Office (2100 J Street) or online at under the “Registration” Quick Link. Please return all registration packets to the ECS District Office.  Alternatively, registration packets for Zoe Barnum High School and Eureka High School can be returned directly to the school sites.  

    If you have any questions, please contact the ECS District Office at (707) 441-3383.
    Read More About Open Houses - January 2023
    Updated Elementary Attendance Boundaries at Eureka City Schools

    December 28, 2022 - On October 27, 2022, the Board of Education for Eureka City Schools (ECS) received a report on the elementary attendance boundaries and the impact of intra-district transfers on elementary site enrollment.  Currently, attendance boundaries, as well as intra-district and inter-district transfers, are significant factors in shaping the enrollment at our four elementary school sites.  Sites currently have varying levels of enrollment, ranging from a high of 497 students at Washington Elementary to a low of 239 students at Lafayette Elementary.  The Board requested staff bring back options for them to consider to balance the enrollment at our elementary schools.

    At the Board meeting on November 17, 2022, the Governing Board took action to approve changes to the District’s elementary attendance boundaries.  Based on this decision, elementary schools will see a more balanced enrollment creating more equitable distribution of resources across sites.  Potentially, there will be fewer combination classes and additional options for schools of choice.  Over the next several years, the four elementary schools will shift to an enrollment of approximately 375 students.  

    Students having residency within the Eureka City Schools District boundaries are assigned a School of Residence (SOR) based on the primary home address of the student. Interactive attendance boundary maps for elementary, middle school, and high school, are available online at

    Families who currently have students attending an elementary school outside of their SOR will not be asked to change schools based on the new boundaries.  Families who currently have siblings attending an elementary school outside of their SOR will have priority for enrollment for their additional children at that school site. Once a grade level at an elementary school is full, alternate school choices will be given to the family.  If this occurs, staff from the ECS District Office will reach out to parents/guardians to assist with school placement options.

    Registration for new students started December 1, 2022, for all grade levels, and priority registration will continue through January 20, 2023.  However, ECS will continue to register students throughout the year.  Registration packets are available at the District Office (2100 J Street) or online at under the “Registration” Quick Link. Please return all registration packets to the ECS District Office. Alternatively, registration packets for Zoe Barnum High School and Eureka High School can be returned directly to the school sites. 

    If you have any questions, please contact the ECS District Office at (707) 441-2400.


    Diciembre 28, 2022 - El 27 de Octubre de 2022, el Consejo de Educación de las Escuelas de la Ciudad de Eureka (ECS por sus siglas en inglés) recibió un reporte sobre los límites de asistencia de las escuelas primarias y el impacto de los traslados dentro del distrito en la inscripción de escuelas primarias. Actualmente, los límites de asistencia, así como las transferencias dentro del distrito y entre distritos, son factores significativos en la formación de la inscripción en nuestros cuatro sitios escolares de las primarias.  Actualmente los sitios tienen varios niveles de inscripción, que van desde un máximo de 497 estudiantes en la primaria Washington, a un mínimo de 239 estudiantes en la primaria Lafayette.  El Consejo pidió al personal que les trajera opciones para que ellos pudieran considerarlas con el fin de equilibrar la inscripción en nuestras escuelas primarias.
    En la reunión del consejo el 17 de noviembre de 2022, la junta directiva tomó acción para aprobar cambios en los límites de asistencia de las escuelas primarias del distrito. De acuerdo con esa decisión, las escuelas primarias tendrán una inscripción más equilibrada, lo que creará una distribución más equitativa de los recursos entre los sitios. Potencialmente, habrá menos clases combinadas y opciones adicionales para las escuelas de elección.  En los próximos varios años, las cuatro escuelas primarias pasarán a tener una inscripción de aproximadamente 375 estudiantes.  
    Los estudiantes que residen dentro de los límites del Distrito Escolar de la Ciudad de Eureka se les asignará una Escuela de Residencia (SOR por sus siglas en inglés) basada en el domicilio primario del estudiante. Los mapas interactivos de los límites de asistencia para la primaria, secundaria y preparatoria, están disponibles en línea en 
    Las familias que actualmente tienen alumnos que asisten a una escuela primaria fuera de su SOR no se les pedirá que cambien de escuela en base a los nuevos límites.  Las familias que actualmente tienen hermanos que asisten a una escuela primaria fuera de su SOR tendrán prioridad para la inscripción de sus hijos adicionales en ese sitio escolar. Una vez que un nivel de grado en una escuela primaria está lleno, las opciones de escuelas alternativas se dará a la familia. Si esto ocurre, el personal de la Oficina del Distrito de ECS se pondrá en contacto con los padres/tutores para ayudar con las opciones de colocación escolar.
    La inscripción para nuevos estudiantes comenzó el 1 de diciembre de 2022, para todos los niveles de grado, y la inscripción prioritaria continuará hasta el 20 de Enero de 2023.  Sin embargo, ECS seguirá inscribiendo estudiantes durante todo el año.  Los paquetes de inscripción están disponibles en la Oficina del Distrito (2100 Calle J) o en línea en debajo del Enlace Rápido "Registration". Por favor, devuelva todos los paquetes de inscripción a la Oficina del Distrito ECS. Alternativamente, los paquetes de inscripción para la preparatoria Zoe Barnum y la preparatoria Eureka pueden devolverse directamente a los sitios escolares.. 
    Si tiene alguna pregunta, póngase en contacto con la Oficina del Distrito ECS en el (707) 441-2400.

    Read More About Updated Elementary Attendance Boundaries at Eureka City Schools
    This is the image for the news article titled Apple Pin Awarded by Governing Board to Melanie Williams
    Apple Pin Awarded by Governing Board to Melanie Williams

    December 16, 2022 – On Thursday, December 15, 2022, the Governing Board at Eureka City Schools recognized Melanie Williams with an Apple Pin Award for her dedication to students and families at Alice Birney Elementary School. The Board recognizes various employees and community members throughout the year. Since 1992, over 300 individuals have been awarded the Apple Pin by the Eureka City Schools Governing Board.

    “The Apple Pin Award is a recognition of the hard work our staff and community members are doing within our local schools,” said Eureka City School’s Board President, Mike Duncan. “We have a wonderful team at Eureka City Schools and we value the work being done each and every day.”

    Alice Birney Elementary Principal, Kristin Sobilo notes, “Melanie Williams has been an active part of the entire county’s biking community for over 20 years! Alice Birney has benefited from Melanie’s leadership around biking for over 10 years. Alice Birney nominated Ms. Williams for the Apple Pin Award for her leadership, time, and connection she brings to our bike club.”

    As part of the nomination process, Principal Sobilo provided the following synopsis of Melanie’s work at Alice Birney Elementary: “Melanie is steadfast in her belief about biking as a healthy form of exercise. She sees this as a service to others to share this love. A fleet of bikes provides our students with equipment to ride. Melanie works with local agencies and businesses to bring this state of the art equipment to Alice Birney students. She attains helmets, provides snacks and water for students, and inspires the advisory teachers to apply their leadership skills. Melanie has trained our club advisor on the steps to take to run a bike club. She works with outside organizations to provide trips to local parks. This year, she has coordinated over four large field trips to Eureka’s landmarks. Melanie works with classroom teachers to incorporate the bike club into their science and social studies curriculum. She has worked with numerous principals and advisory teachers to bring this special skill to our students. We are very blessed to have Melanie. She is humble and gives without recognition.”

    Historical Background on Apple Pin Awards

    Apple Pins have been an award of gratitude given by the Board for more than 25 years. This Award has recognized those who have gone above and beyond as parent and community volunteers, good neighbors, Student Board Representatives, and Blue Collar, White Collar, Confidential, Administrative, and Certificated employees.

    Press Contact:
    Micalyn Harris, Executive Assistant
    [email protected]
    Tel: 707-441-2414

    Read More About Apple Pin Awarded by Governing Board to Melanie Williams
    This is the image for the news article titled Eureka City Schools Honors Students Who Received Perfect Scores on the CAASPP State Testing
    Eureka City Schools Honors Students Who Received Perfect Scores on the CAASPP State Testing

    December 16, 2022 – On Thursday, December 15, 2022, the Governing Board celebrated the achievements of four Eureka City Schools’ students who received perfect scores on one or more of the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) tests, otherwise known as the Smarter Balanced (SBAC) Assessments, in English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics for the 2022 testing year.

    According to Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, Gary Storts, “A perfect score on the CAASPP is an amazing accomplishment. We are inspired by these students, and grateful to the parents, teachers, and support staff, who were a foundation for their exceptional performance.” Out of the more than 1,400 students who took the tests in grades 3-8 and 11, one elementary student and three middle school students received a perfect score on one or more of the CAASPP exams.

    The students and their respective 2022-2023 schools are Jesse Smith (Grant Elementary School, 5th grade, Math), Evasofia Jenkins (Zane Middle School, 8th grade, English Language Arts), Kate Vasquez (Zane Middle School, 8th grade, English Language Arts), and Sophia Grimmett (Eureka High School, 9th grade, Math).

    Press Contact:
    Micalyn Harris, Executive Assistant
    [email protected]
    Tel: 707-441-2414

    Read More About Eureka City Schools Honors Students Who Received Perfect Scores on the CAASPP State Testing
    PRESS RELEASE - November 18, 2022
    Statement by Eureka City Schools Governing Board
    Provided by Board President Lisa Ollivier on Behalf of the Governing Board

    November 18, 2022 - On behalf of the Board, thank you to those who attended the Eureka City School’s Board Meeting last night to express your support and/or concern regarding the direction of the District.  We respect those who took the time out of their schedules to attend last night’s meeting.  We value public involvement in our District.  

    We recognize the impact on our students due to the immediate resignation of the former Assistant Principal in charge of athletics (AD).  The former AD had positive relationships with many of our high school staff and students.  While a normal transition period would have been beneficial to our students and coaches, it was not an option, due to the AD’s sudden resignation.

    We support Interim EHS Principal Rob Standish in his recommendation of Omar Khattab, a long-time Eureka City School’s employee and former Athletic Director, to fill the position of Assistant Principal in charge of athletics.  
    To ensure our students and their needs are addressed, two of our Board members, along with Superintendent Van Vleck and EHS Assistant Principal Baugh, met with Student Board Member Smith to learn more about the high school students’ feelings with the AD’s resignation. Additionally, we actively listened to the perspective of the students who addressed the Board last night.    

    Dr. Van Vleck is expanding his quarterly work with the Eureka High School Superintendent’s Student Stakeholders Group (SSSG) to include a Student Board Member led ThoughtExchange opportunity for all EHS students.  (ThoughtExchange is known for allowing students to voice their thoughts and deliver the best solutions to our most pressing challenges.)  The results of this work will help guide our direction forward.

    As a Board, we have one employee, our Superintendent, Dr. Fred Van Vleck.  We are proud of the impact Fred has made over the past 10+ years, and we look forward to working with Dr. Van Vleck in the years to come.

    Press Contact:
    Micalyn Harris, Executive Assistant
    [email protected]
    Read More About PRESS RELEASE - November 18, 2022
    PRESS RELEASE - November 3, 2022 - Eureka High School Volunteer Coach Arrested by the Fortuna Police Department

    EUREKA, CA – November 3, 2022 – Eureka City Schools (ECS) is aware of the arrest of Nathan Thomas Hentley.  Hentley was a volunteer coach for boys’ basketball at Eureka High School this year and a walk-on coach for boys’ basketball last year.  Effective immediately, Hentley’s volunteer status and coaching status with ECS is revoked.  

    There is an ongoing investigation with the Fortuna Police Department and, at this time, there is no indication of any ECS students being involved.  ECS is in communication with Fortuna Police Department, as student safety is the District’s top priority.  

    Anyone with information about this case or related criminal activity is encouraged to call the Fortuna Police Department at 707-725-7550.  All further inquiries should be directed to the Fortuna Police Department. 

    Press Contact:
    Fortuna Police Department 
    621 11th Street
    Fortuna, CA 95540
    Ph: (707) 725-7550
    Read More About PRESS RELEASE - November 3, 2022 - Eureka High School Volunteer Coach Arrested by the Fortuna Police Department
    Welcome Back Families - 2022-23

    Greetings Parents and Students,

    Summer break is drawing to an end and it is time to start thinking about the first day of school.  The first day of school is Monday, August 22nd, and our staff is eager to welcome your student(s) to the new school year!

    The COVID-19 endemic has had a great impact on student learning.  We are eager to partner with you to help accelerate learning for your students.  For this partnership to be successful, the first ingredient is students attending school each and every day unless they are ill.  

    The Eureka City Schools Board of Trustees has identified the top priorities for the District in their Strategic Plan.  Of those 19 priority areas, the top three, in order, are: English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Social-Emotional Wellbeing.  Given these priorities, we have been designing our professional development for staff to have the greatest enhancement to student learning in these areas.  A couple of the strategies we will be employing this year include new curriculum in certain grade levels and common pacing and assessments by grade level and subject areas across the District.  This will allow us to be more responsive to the individual needs of students. 

    The first day of school is one full of excitement and anticipation for the upcoming year.  The experience your students have in school is up to them.  They need to remain optimistic about the benefits of staying in school and work to stay current with assignments, classwork, and other learnings. Please work with them to keep school enjoyable.

    As you start thinking about the upcoming school year, I encourage you to read with younger students every night and check in with your older students, including reviewing current grade information in PowerSchool.  I encourage you to get involved in the Parent Teacher Association (PTA) at your student’s school.  Without the support of the PTA, many opportunities for students would not exist, and the PTA cannot provide support without parents volunteering their time and expertise. These steps will allow families to take an active part in their student’s education.

    Wishing you and your students a happy new school year!

    Fred Van Vleck, Ed.D.

    Saludos Padres y Estudiantes
    Las vacaciones de verano están llegando a su fin y es hora de comenzar a pensar en el primer día de clases. ¡El primer día de clases es el Lunes 22 de Agosto, y nuestro personal está emocionado por dar la bienvenida a su(s) estudiante(s) para el nuevo año escolar!

    El COVID-19 endémico ha tenido un gran impacto en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. Estamos emocionados  por asociarnos con usted para ayudar a acelerar el aprendizaje de sus estudiantes. Para que esta asociación tenga éxito, el primer ingrediente es que los estudiantes asistan a la escuela todos los días al menos que estén enfermos.

    La Junta Directiva de las Escuelas de la Ciudad de Eureka ha identificado las principales prioridades para el Distrito en su Plan Estratégico. De esas 19 áreas prioritarias, las tres principales, en orden, son: Artes del Lenguaje Inglés, Matemáticas y Bienestar Socioemocional. Dadas estas prioridades, hemos estado diseñando nuestro desarrollo profesional para que el personal tenga el mayor enriquecimiento en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes en estas áreas. Un par de estrategias que emplearemos este año incluyen un nuevo plan de estudios en ciertos niveles de grado y ritmo común y evaluaciones por nivel de grado y áreas temáticas a través del distrito. Esto nos permitirá ser más receptivos a las necesidades individuales de los estudiantes.

    El primer día de clases está lleno de emoción y anticipación para el año escolar. La experiencia que sus estudiantes tengan en la escuela depende de ellos. Deben mantenerse optimistas sobre los beneficios de permanecer en la escuela y trabajar para mantenerse al día con las tareas, el trabajo en clase y otros aprendizajes. Por favor, trabaje con ellos para mantener la escuela agradable.

    A medida que comience a pensar en el próximo año escolar, lo animo a que lea con los estudiantes más jóvenes todas las noches y se comunique con sus estudiantes más grandes, incluyendo revisando la información de las calificaciones actuales en PowerSchool. Los animo a participar en la Asociación de Padres y Maestros (PTA) en la escuela de su estudiante. Sin el apoyo de la PTA, no existirían muchas oportunidades para los estudiantes, y la PTA no puede brindar apoyo sin que los padres ofrezcan su tiempo y experiencia como voluntarios. Estos pasos permitirán que las familias tomen una parte activa en la educación de sus estudiantes.

    ¡Deseándole a usted y a sus estudiantes un feliz nuevo año escolar! 

    Fred Van Vleck, Ed.D. 

    Read More About Welcome Back Families - 2022-23

    EUREKA, CA – July 6, 2022 –  Eureka City Schools is pleased to announce the official naming of the Board Room at the District Office the Frances H. Taplin Board Room.  On June 23, 2022, the Board of Education adopted a resolution formally dedicating the Board Room to Mrs. Frances H. Taplin, who served within Eureka City Schools as an educator and trustee for over 57 years.  When discussing the recognition, Mrs. Taplin conveyed, “Working for the schools is something that is a part of me.  I cannot remember a time when I wasn’t a part of Eureka City Schools.  During my time as a teacher, followed by my time as a Board member, the District became a part of my family.  It always has been.”  

    The anticipated dedication and naming of the Board Room, which was first announced at the Eureka High School graduation ceremony on June 17, 2022, came as a sweet surprise to Mrs. Taplin.  During the graduation, after enjoying a special dedication of the “School Song” by Limited Edition, Superintendent Van Vleck read the proposed resolution.  At that time he noted the resolution, if approved by the Board on June 23, 2022, would name the Board Room the Frances H. Taplin Board Room. After the resolution was passed by the Board on June 23, 2022, Superintendent Van Vleck said, “I cannot think of a more deserving person to name the Board Room after.  It is very fitting that all the direction from the Board from here on out will happen in a room named in Mrs. Taplin’s honor.” 

    While Mrs. Taplin’s resignation was effective on June 18, 2022, she still plans to be actively involved in the schools and her community.  She is also looking forward to spending more time with her family members who live locally and out of the area.  When asked for her thoughts on retiring from the Board of Education after 26 years, Mrs. Taplin notes, “I have been so fortunate to work with so many wonderful people.  The experiences I have had as the Eureka Teachers Association President broadened my horizons.  I have made some wonderful friends on the local, state, and national levels.  My friends have come from my experiences in education, whether it be a student or family member.”

    A recap of the information contained in Board Resolution No. 21-22-035 is listed below.

    • Mrs. Frances Hunt Taplin graduated from Eureka High School, Class of 1951;
    • Mrs. Taplin came to work for Eureka City Schools in 1964 after working as a teacher at Woods Elementary Schools in Carmel, CA for six years;
    • Mrs. Taplin worked at Franklin School from 1964 to 1977, teaching grades 4, 5, and 6, and at Lafayette Elementary School from 1977 through 1995, teaching grades 5 and 6; 
    • Mrs. Taplin served as the Eureka Teachers Association President for a total of seven years (non-consecutive terms); 
    • Mrs. Taplin retired from Eureka City Schools in 1995 after teaching for a total 37 years, 31 of which were with Eureka City Schools; 
    • Mrs. Taplin served as a Trustee on the Eureka City Schools Governing Board from 1996 to 2022, for a total of 26 years, including service as the Board President; 
    • Mrs. Taplin has served the students, families, and staff, of the State of California for over 63 years, and Eureka City Schools as an educator and as a Board Member for over 57 years;  
    • Mrs. Taplin has worked tirelessly within the public school system to educate our children to become responsible and productive citizens, well-equipped with the qualities needed of our future leaders; and
    • With the above contributions clearly establishing Mrs. Taplin’s dedication to Eureka City Schools, and as an acknowledgment of Mrs. Taplin’s service and generosity, the Governing Board wishes to name the Eureka City Schools Board Room the Frances H. Taplin Board Room. 

    A full copy of Resolution 21-22-023 is located on the Eureka City Schools website under Board Documents. 

    Press Contact:
    Micalyn Harris, Executive Assistant
    Superintendent’s Office
    [email protected]
    Tel: 707-441-2414


    Notice of Public Hearing - EPA Expenditures


    Education Protection Act (EPA) Expenditures

    When: Thursday, June 23, 2022 – 6:30 p.m.

    What: Education Protection Act (EPA) Expenditures

    Where: Eureka City Schools Regular Board Meeting (2100 J Street, Eureka, CA 95501 – Room 116)

    At a regularly scheduled meeting on June 23, 2022, at 6:30 p.m., the Eureka City Schools Governing Board will hold a public hearing to receive public comment to seek input and take testimony from the public in regard to the Education Protection Act (EPA) expenditures.  

    Pursuant to Article XIII, Section 36 of the California Constitution, school districts are required to determine how the moneys received from the Education Protection Act (EPA) are spent in the schools within their jurisdiction, and further stipulates that the governing board makes the spending determinations in an open session of a public meeting. Funds from the EPA cannot be used for the salaries and benefits of administrators or any other administrative costs.

    No new funding is created due to the approval of Proposition 30 or the establishment of the Education Protection Account. The approximate amount of Eureka City Schools EPA funds that will be distributed via the EPA for 2022-2023 is $2,654,627.  In 2022-2023, all expenditures and other financing uses are designated for “Instruction”.


    Paul Ziegler, Assistant Superintendent Business Services 

    Eureka City Schools

    Tel: 707-441-2412

    Read More About Notice of Public Hearing - EPA Expenditures
    Important Information for Students/Families | Mensaje importante para estudiantes / familias
    March 1, 2022

    Greetings Parents,

    Yesterday the Newsom Administration announced the statewide school timeline to lift the mandatory masking mandate for vaccinated and unvaccinated students.  The announcement included several key points. The statewide school indoor mask mandate will expire for all students, regardless of vaccination status, at the end of the day on Friday, March 11th. This means Monday, March 14th will be the first school day with no mandate for students to wear a mask. 

    Please note, it is still recommended that students wear a mask.  Please talk with your students and make the personal choice of whether or not they will continue to wear a mask in school.  As a reminder, masks will continue to be required through Friday, March 11th.

    Please stay healthy and stay strong.  

    This message will be posted to the District’s website and Facebook pages.

    Fred Van Vleck, Ed.D.


    Saludos padres,

    Ayer, la Administración de Newsom anunció el cronograma escolar en todo el estado para levantar el mandato obligatorio de uso de cubrebocas para los estudiantes vacunados y no vacunados. El anuncio incluía varios puntos claves. El mandato de cubrebocas interior escolar en todo el estado vencerá para todos los estudiantes, independientemente del estado de vacunación, al final del día viernes, 11 de marzo. Esto significa que el lunes, 14 de marzo será el primer día escolar sin mandato para que los estudiantes usen cubrebocas. 

    Tenga en cuenta que todavía se recomienda que los estudiantes usen cubrebocas. Hable con sus estudiantes y tome la decisión personal de continuar usando o no un cubrebocas en la escuela. Como recordatorio, se seguirán requiriendo cubrebocas hasta el viernes, 11 de marzo.

    Por favor, manténgase saludable y fuerte.

    Este mensaje se publicará en el sitio web del Distrito y en las páginas de Facebook.


    Fred Van Vleck, Ed. D.

    Read More About Important Information for Students/Families | Mensaje importante para estudiantes / familias
    Message from the Superintendent

    Greetings Parents,

    On Monday, February 28th, Governor Newsom is scheduled to provide direction for California Schools regarding masking.  All Eureka City Schools will continue to follow the guidelines put forth by the state, which currently says; all students and staff shall wear a mask indoors regardless of vaccination status.  When this cha