Attendance Boundary Map

Attendance Boundaries and School of Residence

Students having residency within the Eureka City Schools District boundaries are assigned a School of Residence (SOR) based on the primary home address of the student. Interactive attendance boundary maps for elementary, middle school, and high school, are located below.

If you have any questions regarding attendance boundaries, or your student’s school of residence, please call the District Office at 707-441- 3383 or refer to the Attendance Boundary Maps, below.

Middle School Attendance Boundaries

In an effort to have as many students as possible attend the middle school in closest proximity to where they live, as well as to have more balance between the sizes of each middle school, the Board of Education modified the middle school attendance boundaries on November 14, 2019, effective for the 2020/21 school year.

Current middle school students attending a school whose residence is impacted by the new attendance zones will not be required to transfer schools. If your current 5th grade student or 6th grade student, new to the District, has a sibling (a current 6th or 7th grader) already attending a middle school outside of the new middle school attendance zones, it will be your choice as parent/guardian which middle school you would like your children to attend. It is not the desire of Eureka City Schools to split up siblings/families and require them to attend separate middle schools. Please note, if you have a current 8th grade child promoting out of the middle school at the end of the year, the sibling policy will not be enacted for an incoming student.

Under the new middle school attendance boundaries, students who reside in the Cutten, Freshwater, Garfield, or South Bay Elementary school attendance zones are assigned to Winship Middle School.

Updated Elementary Attendance Boundaries at Eureka City Schools

December 28, 2022 - On October 27, 2022, the Board of Education for Eureka City Schools (ECS) received a report on the elementary attendance boundaries and the impact of intra-district transfers on elementary site enrollment.  Currently, attendance boundaries, as well as intra-district and inter-district transfers, are significant factors in shaping the enrollment at our four elementary school sites.  Sites currently have varying levels of enrollment, ranging from a high of 497 students at Washington Elementary to a low of 239 students at Lafayette Elementary.  The Board requested staff bring back options for them to consider to balance the enrollment at our elementary schools.

At the Board meeting on November 17, 2022, the Governing Board took action to approve changes to the District’s elementary attendance boundaries.  Based on this decision, elementary schools will see a more balanced enrollment creating more equitable distribution of resources across sites.  Potentially, there will be fewer combination classes and additional options for schools of choice.  Over the next several years, the four elementary schools will shift to an enrollment of approximately 375 students.  

Students having residency within the Eureka City Schools District boundaries are assigned a School of Residence (SOR) based on the primary home address of the student. Interactive attendance boundary maps for elementary, middle school, and high school, are available online at 

Families who currently have students attending an elementary school outside of their SOR will not be asked to change schools based on the new boundaries.  Families who currently have siblings attending an elementary school outside of their SOR will have priority for enrollment for their additional children at that school site. Once a grade level at an elementary school is full, alternate school choices will be given to the family.  If this occurs, staff from the ECS District Office will reach out to parents/guardians to assist with school placement options.

Registration for new students started December 1, 2022, for all grade levels, and priority registration will continue through January 20, 2023.  However, ECS will continue to register students throughout the year.  Registration packets are available at the District Office (2100 J Street) or online at under the “Registration” Quick Link. Please return all registration packets to the ECS District Office.  Alternatively, registration packets for Zoe Barnum High School and Eureka High School can be returned directly to the school sites. 

If you have any questions, please contact the ECS District Office at (707) 441-2400.

[Note: This message is in the process of being translated into Spanish and the translation will be posted to the ECS Facebook/website.]

Click here to view Eureka City Schools attendance boundaries map