Board Meeting Recap - April 26, 2023

Eureka City Schools Board of Education meeting recap for April 26, 2023
Posted on 04/28/2023

April 28, 2023 - Eureka, CA - The following is an overview of the Eureka City Schools Board of Education regular public meeting from Wednesday, April 26, 2023.

Students Jyda Hang, Anisha Rechelluul, and Linh Nguyen from Eureka High School’s Advancement Via Independent Determination (AVID) program, recited the Pledge of Allegiance and gave a presentation on how AVID helped prepare them for college eligibility and success.

All items on the consent calendar were approved. Action items were as follows:

Approved: Consideration of Stipulated Student Expulsion (EC Sec 48915.1 and ECSD Policy 5119). [Student #22-23-000; Resolution #22-23-024].

Approved: Board's Nomination of Lisa Ollivier for the 2023 CSBA Delegate Assembly Run-off Elections.

Approved: Final Action on Resolution and Decision Not to Reemploy Classified Employees for the 2023-2024 School Year.

Approved: Certification of the 2021-2022 Audit Findings Corrective Plans and Recommendations

Adopted: Resolution #22-23-022: Adoption by the Board of Trustees of Eureka City Schools of Intent to Establish a Charter School on the Lincoln Campus and Relocate Zoe Barnum Students to the Marshall Campus.

Presentations, reports, and discussions are solely meant to inform/update the Board and gain feedback, they were as follows:

Adult Education Report, Visual and Performing Arts Report, 2023-24 Elementary English Language Arts Report, Local Control Accountability Plan Update, and Report on the Four Domains CALL Survey Results, 2022-2023.

Click on any of the links below to see Board related recap videos. 

April 26, 2023 ECS Board Meeting Recap

March 30, 2023 ECS Board Meeting Recap

March 9, 2023 ECS Board Meeting Recap

ECS Board of Education 2023-2024 Strategic Plan

All Board items and attachments can be obtained via the following link:

More information on the Board of Education can be found at: 

The next ECS Board of Education meeting will be:

Thursday, May 11, 2023
Eureka City Schools
2100 J Street, Eureka, CA 95501
Frances H. Taplin Board Room
All Meetings Begin at 6:30 p.m.

Press Contact:
Sierra Speer Dillon
Communications and Marketing Coordinator
Eureka City Schools
[email protected]
Tel: 707-441-3373