NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Education Protection Act (EPA) Expenditures
Posted on 06/12/2024


Education Protection Act (EPA) Expenditures

When: Tuesday, June 25, 2024 – 12:00 p.m.

What: Education Protection Act (EPA) Expenditures

Where: Eureka City Schools Regular Board Meeting

Francis H. Taplin Board Room

2100 J Street

Eureka, CA 95501

At a regularly scheduled meeting on Tuesday, June 25, 2024, at 12:00 p.m., the Eureka City Schools Governing Board will hold a public hearing to receive public comment to seek input and take testimony from the public in regard to the Education Protection Act (EPA) expenditures.  

Pursuant to Article XIII, Section 36 of the California Constitution, school districts are required to determine how the moneys received from the Education Protection Act (EPA) are spent in the schools within their jurisdiction, and further stipulates that the governing board makes the spending determinations in an open session of a public meeting. Funds from the EPA cannot be used for the salaries and benefits of administrators or any other administrative costs.

No new funding is created due to the approval of Proposition 30 or the establishment of the Education Protection Account. The approximate amount of Eureka City Schools EPA funds that will be distributed via the EPA for 2024-2025 is $5,863,535.  In 2024-2025, all expenditures and other financing uses are designated for “Instruction”.


Paul Ziegler

Assistant Superintendent Business Services

Eureka City Schools

Tel: 441-2412